The hearts of Muslim people are more open to the gospel than ever. Extremism has made many question their beliefs, and some are literally knocking on church doors asking how to become Christians. War and unrest have brought refugees to places where they can now hear the gospel freely. Our Muslim ministry teams are seizing this unprecedented opportunity, bringing the good news of Christ to people all over the globe.

In Europe and North America, we're planting churches in culturally-diverse neighborhoods of major cities as well as meeting the physical and spiritual needs of displaced refugees who have fled conflict and instability. It is often difficult or illegal to share the gospel in the North Africa-Middle East region; ministry here is done while working other jobs and ministering relationally with coworkers, friends, and neighbors.

In Central Asia, teams are doing university ministry through teaching English and mentoring local pastors for the vital work of church planting. Finally, in the Asian Crescent, MTW teams are planting churches, serving refugees and marginalized people groups through mercy ministries, translating Scripture, and discipling new believers.

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Central Asia Vision Trip | April 26-May 3
Mission Trips
Teachers: Coordinate Programs for Rohingya Refugee Center
Mentored Internship in Central Asia
Summer Internships
Ethnographic Study of Muslim People Groups
Join an Expanding Team in North Africa
BAM Among Syrian Refugees
Relief and Development Among Refugees
Missions Training Internship in the Middle East
1–11 Months
Teach in an Unreached Middle Eastern Country
New Team Forming in the Middle East: All Gifts Needed
Church Planting in North Africa
Church Planting Team Leader
Mentor Interns at Refugee Community Center
Make Disciples Among Refugees
Pastor Training
Internship Coordinators
Next Generation Missionaries to the Muslim World
1–11 Months
Elementary School Teachers for International School
1–11 Months
Use Social Media to Reach Unreached Arabs
Career + Missions Internship in the Middle East
1–11 Months
International Church Plant: Launch Pastor
Theological Education Developer
Small Business Consultant
Central Asia Handicraft Business Internship
1–11 Months
University Ministry Through Teaching English
Theological Teacher/Mentor
Student Ministry in the Asian Crescent
Ministry Expanding in Asian Crescent—New Team Forming
Jerusalem Gateway Partnership Representative
Early Intervention Therapist
Train for Leadership Positions in Global Muslim Ministry
English Teachers Needed: Global Muslim Ministries
Student Ministry Outreach Among Muslims
Teach English
Develop Online Training for Believers
Teach English to South Asian Adults
After-school Tutoring
Refugee Ministry in Southern Europe
Europe Farsi Ministry Facilitator
Experience Life in the Middle East
Summer Internships
School Counselor for International School
1–11 Months
Nonprofit Ministry Coordinator

Resilient Servants: How Persecution Led to Radical Growth of the Iranian Church

Over the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of Iranians have come to faith, making the Iranian Church the fastest growing in the world


Compassion Funds for Earthquake Relief Lead to Gospel Growth in Turkey

When believers Adem and Samira* gave people things they'd say "It is not from us. It is from the Lord. Jesus has provided these for you."


Engaging Muslims With the Gospel (VIDEO)

Learn how you can help reach Muslims with the gospel through theological education, college ministry, ESL, business, and so much more.


“Trauma Upon Trauma:” MTW Poised to Help Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria

“The need is more than we can describe. Really overwhelming.”


What Is Missions Like in Central Asia? (VIDEO)

Central Asia is a largely misunderstood region. It's not Russia, China, or the Middle East. It's both ancient and new. And it's unreached.


God Is on the Move in the Midst of the Afghanistan Crisis: How Believers Can Help

We've already started visiting new Afghan families in our community and found them open to talk with us and let us pray for them.


A Providential Picnic: Coffee, Conversation, and Considering Adam

What started with a God-ordained conversation one evening became a small group of men studying the origin of sin and our need for a savior.


When God Calls a Muslim Family to Faith

When new believers met MTW missionaries, their hunger for discipleship encouraged their hosts with an image of how God transforms families.


Teaching Scripture in the Context of ISIS

While teaching from Nehemiah in the Middle East, a missionary was asked whether it was OK to see revenge for his sister's murder by ISIS.


COVID-19, the Big Apple, and Loving Our Neighbor

When the pandemic froze New York City in its tracks, an MTW missionary couple leapt into action.


There’s Purpose in My Suffering: Stories from Refugees

God is at work in the midst of this pandemic, drawing people to Himself. Let these stories be a reminder of the powerful God we serve.


A Path 270 Intern Shares Her Faith With Refugees

Just a few months ago I had never met anyone who had to flee their own country for safety. Now, I do life with these people.


Reaching Muslims With the Gospel (VIDEO)

We’re coming alongside believers in the Muslim world to plant churches where there are none and strengthen existing ones. Will you join us?


Young Syrian Refugee Church Leaders Hungry for Theological Training

Syrian refugees who became believers just a few years ago are now leading congregations and are full of questions.


The One With the Beef Biryani

My South Asian friends are teaching me that I don’t need to know all of the vocabulary or cultural nuances to break naan with them.


The One With All the Bollywood Dancing

When my friend asked if I'd like to dance in the Gai Holud, one of her sister's pre-wedding parties, I was giddy with excitement.


Abir’s Dream: Growth and Opportunity in Israel and Palestine

Abir, a Muslim, and Simon, a Christian, grew up together in Jerusalem. Confused by a recurring dream, Abir turned to his friend.


Mission on Our Doorsteps: The Missional Opportunity of Refugees and Immigration to the U.S. (Audio)

Listen as Matthew Soerens examines how biblical principles can inform our response to the refugees and immigrants in our communities.


A Dream, A Poem, and a Personal Encounter

A young Central Asian woman from a secular, nominally Muslim family, had a dream. It was the first step on a path that lead her to Christ.


The Smell of Smoke: The Aroma of Christ

The small group of Central Asian students wrote their sins on a small slip of paper, crumpled it up, and put it in a bowl on the table.


Entering the Cathedral Amid a Fear of Ancestral Spirits

Many Muslims live in fear of evil spirits and the harm they can bring. For one woman, the fear surfaced as she approached a cathedral.


At the Point of Weakness

I'm learning that no matter how much of the language I learn or cultural insight I acquire, I'll always minister from a place of weakness.


"My Heart Went Up"

For one Muslim woman, understanding God as Father is what made the truth of Christianity finally click.


How Business as Mission Is Shaping the Church in Central Asia

Business can be a powerful platform for reaching and impacting communities in the Muslim-majority world.


The Question

From a children’s home in West Africa came the earnest question: “May we be baptized please?”


Give thanks to God for the hundreds of thousands of Iranians who have come to faith over the last two decades. Pray for God to protect believers and draw more to Himself. 

Pray for those in Turkey continuing to rebuild from last year's earthquake, and for continuation of the spiritual growth seen as a result.

Give thanks for all the God is doing in the Muslim World to draw people to Christ. Pray that He would raise up more laborers for this harvest field.

Pray today for the unreached living in Central Asia, as well as for the local believers and missionaries hoping to reach them. Pray for relationships and conversations of faith. 

Pray for the "Timothys" in Muslim-majority West Africa who are growing in their Christian faith and teaching others. 

Pray for a small group Bible study of Genesis in which Muslim men are encountering their need for Christ.

Pray for a small group men's study in the Middle East as men seek to learn truth Scripture while wrestling with the realities of what ISIS has taken from them.

Pray for South Asian communities in New York City who have been hard hit by the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, and for God to use missionaries serving among them. 

Pray today for MTW's ministry to refugees in a large American city.

Pray for the missionary families who are getting kicked out of sensitive countries because of their Christian faith. 

Pray for Muslims around the world who are hungry for truth and looking to the church for answers. 

Pray for a group of Syrian refugees in the Middle East who are fairly new believers, and are leading churches. They are hungry for theological training. 

Pray for God to open the eyes of Israelis and Palestinians to the truth of Jesus Christ and draw them to Himself. 

Pray for Muslims coming to faith in Christ around the world. Pray for their spiritual growth and their protection. 

Pray for refugees in Greece to find safe haven. Pray for our missionaries seeking to serve them well.

Pray for MTW's ministry to refugees in Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Uganda, Panama, and the U.S.

Pray for our national partners ministering in the Muslim world and in Western Europe among Muslims. Pray for their strength, encouragement, and protection.

Pray for refugees who are flooding into Greece and Germany. Pray for our missionaries and nationals partner churches as they seek to minister to these displaced people with the love of Christ.

Afghanistan Refugee Engagement

Help support the ministry to Afghans who have fled their country.

North Africa Theological and
Pastoral Training

Providing gospel-based teaching and resources to believers in the Arab world.

Partnership with North African Church Leaders

Training North African church leaders to be the trainers.

Unreached People Groups

Partner with us to reach multiple unreached people groups across the world.

The Hilltop School

Give to a children's school supporting over 60 children from remote South Asia hill tribes.

South Asia Bible School

Help national church planters and leaders to receive deep theological training.

Central Asia Theological Education

This very strategic project seeks to train those who will eventually become the foundation of the Reformed Church witness in Central Asia—an area where people are daily under pressure for their faith.

Theological Education for a West African Country

Equipping pastors to deeply apply the gospel as they lead the Church.

South Asia Ministry to Unreached Tribes

Help the light of the gospel to go forth into remote tribes in one of the most unreached countries in the world.

Resilient Servants: How Persecution Led to Radical Growth of the Iranian Church

Over the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of Iranians have come to faith, making the Iranian Church the fastest growing in the world

Compassion Funds for Earthquake Relief Lead to Gospel Growth in Turkey

When believers Adem and Samira* gave people things they'd say "It is not from us. It is from the Lord. Jesus has provided these for you."

Engaging Muslims With the Gospel (VIDEO)

Learn how you can help reach Muslims with the gospel through theological education, college ministry, ESL, business, and so much more.

“Trauma Upon Trauma:” MTW Poised to Help Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria

“The need is more than we can describe. Really overwhelming.”