MTW Center for Estate & Gift Planning
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
– Psalm 24:1
Put simply, estate planning is figuring out what you’re going to do with what you’ve got.
During your lifetime, estate planning concerns the creation, conservation, and use of resources in order to secure the maximum benefit for you and your family now, during disability, and at retirement. Then, at death, this careful planning will also ensure that those resources are transferred to your loved ones with minimum depletion and delay due to taxes and probate.
A Christian might define estate planning another way: asking God what He wants you to do with what He’s given you, both now and after death. It’s recognizing that God is the owner of all and that each of us is also called by God to play a part in the advancement of His kingdom. Some of us will be called to go to the field; all of us are called to give to support the work of ministry. By giving to gospel-centered charities and ministries, we are being faithful to God’s call and serve as powerful testimonies to our children, our churches, and those around us.
This faithful stewardship of resources doesn’t stop when life ends. In fact, the single largest act of financial stewardship most believers will make is deciding what we will do with our assets upon our death, and arranging for the transfer of those assets in a manner that continues to reflect our Christian commitments.
We can assist in developing a plan that will help you use your assets wisely, whether for personal, family, business, or charitable interests.
If you are interested in learning more, contact us at: 678-823-0028 or [email protected]
Your estate has been accumulated as a result of your labors and God’s blessings. How your estate is dealt with and distributed is an important part of your total life of stewardship, and it is essential that you carefully plan.
Step 1: Set the Goals and Objectives That You Want to Accomplish
As a Christian, estate planning is an act of stewardship. Your first priority is finding God’s plan of stewardship for your estate. The distribution of your estate will be unique to your life circumstances.
Your second priority is to understand that “people are more important than dollars.” While we are living, we desire to do everything possible to help our loved ones. Your estate plan should reflect this desire as you choose the individuals and organizations to whom you will give your property.
Step 2. Become Familiar With Estate Planning Tools
You don’t have to be an expert, just familiar enough with concepts and tools to take action. We can help you understand your options and assist you in executing the plans recommended by your legal counsel.
Step 3. Gather All the Data Needed to Plan
Your estate plan will only be as valid as the information you provide to those who design and draft it. We have a practical tool to assist you in gathering the necessary data. When this data is gathered, it is time to complete step four of the estate planning process.
Step 4. Seek Competent Counsel
We are here to help guide you through the steps of planning for the people and property in your life. We have prepared a Guide to Planning Your Estate and Confidential Estate Inventory form to assist you in gathering the necessary data and outlining your distribution objectives.
We Offer Two Free Services
A personal and confidential review of your current estate plan from a stewardship perspective
Charitable Estate & Gift Planning Tools
Our team has the professional experience to offer personal, confidential, and expert counsel, using terminology and explanations that are easy to understand.
Robin Lee
MTW West Coast Regional Director

Robin grew up in Southern California attending an immigrant Korean church, and came to faith as a teen. During his college years at UC Berkeley, he dove deep into the church and missions, even contemplating a life of tent-making missions in the Middle East which led him to take his first job out of college at ARCO Oil Company. During his years in the business world, Robin sensed an increasing burden for theological training, which led him to pursue his studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. He served as an associate pastor at King's Church for 11 years, and as executive director of MTW’s Southeast Asia Partnership, working alongside church pastors and MTW missionaries to help mobilize people and resources for the field. Before joining MTW in 2024, Robin served as executive pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido for seven years. Now as MTW West Coast Hub director, Robin hopes to focus his passion for global missions in mobilizing God’s people for the Great Commission.
Robin has been married to his wife Irene, whom he met on a short-term mission trip, for 24 years. Together, they have a daughter and three sons.
Contact: [email protected]
Jim Miller
MTW Director of Partner Relations & Ambassadors Program

Jim Miller started with MTW in 2015 where he works with the Ambassadors Program as well as the Business as Mission ministry. He is a recently retired business executive from Ecolab, where he spent 35 years.
Jim is a native of New Jersey, but resides in Orlando, Florida, with his wife of 35 years, Elizabeth. They have two married adult children and one grandson. The Millers are longtime members of Orangewood PCA, in Maitland, Florida.
Bruce Owens
Director of Center for Estate & Gift Planning

Bruce has been speaking for over 25 years on the subject of biblical stewardship and estate planning. He has spoken to numerous churches, boards of various Christian ministries, colleges and universities, and at national conferences such as Christian Leadership Alliance, Evangelical Development Ministry Institute and The Mission Exchange.
Beth Billingsley
Partner Relations Manager

Beth Billingsley has served as the MTW Partner Relations manager for more than 15 years. She assists MTW partners and churches as they utilize the Center for Estate and Gift Design’s services, administers the MTW Donor Advised Fund program, and serves as a liaison between MTW and partners' advisors and financial institutions. Before joining MTW, Beth worked for an insurance brokerage firm as a marketing associate. Beth graduated from Georgia Southwestern State University with a degree in marketing.
John Tubbesing

John Tubbesing is the director of the Ambassadors Program and Business as Mission ministry for Mission to the World. He joined MTW in 2004 after spending 30 years as a business executive in the technology and consulting industries. John considers it a blessing to be able to help MTW's missionaries have the financial resources they need to implement strategic initiatives. He also enjoys helping businesspeople in the U.S. steward their gifts and experiences for the benefit of ministry here and around the world.
Archie Moore
Senior Partner Relations Officer

Archie Moore has worked with MTW’s Partner Relations Department since 2018, communicating and praying with the mission’s partners across the country.
After military duty and graduation from Columbia International University (Columbia, SC) and Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, MS), Archie Moore and his wife Glenda served as MTW missionaries to South Korea from 1977–1979. He has been a PCA pastor 40 years, currently at Greenwood Presbyterian Church in Greenwood, SC. He has also served as committee member and advisor to Committee on Mission to the World, and has volunteered pastoral care to missionaries in Germany since 1996.
Chelsea Rollman
Marketing Specialist
Chelsea Rollman is a marketing specialist and staff writer at MTW. She formerly served as the girls’ discipleship coordinator at Village Seven in Colorado Springs, and as a marketing assistant at The White Horse Inn. Chelsea graduated from Covenant College in 2016 with her B.A. in English. She and her husband, Hudson, live in Atlanta and attend Christchurch Presbyterian Church where Hudson serves as the youth director.

• Donor Advised Funds
• Partner Podium: Why establish a Donor Advised Fund?
• How a DAF works.

Making Disciples: Training Up the Next Generation of Spiritual Givers
Those of us with the spiritual gift of giving are also called to play our role in making disciples—disciples who have the gift of giving.

Cutting the Coal: One Man’s Lifelong Call to Missions
As a teacher, he supported over 30 missionaries. As a missionary, he served the unreached in the jungle. Now 97, his stewardship continues.

Giving Doesn't Come Naturally
For most people, giving isn’t easy. In fact, it’s difficult. That’s because giving isn’t natural. It’s a gift.

A Different Lens
How grace turned one man’s view of faith, finances, and stewardship upside down.
This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal, tax, or financial advice. Please consult your legal and tax advisors to verify its applicability to your specific circumstances.
1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
Donor Advised Fund Portal
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