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A gift plan can help you maximize the use of your assets to meet personal and family needs, while fulfilling your giving goals through tax-advantaged strategies and available asset management tools.

We provide custom designed proposals for ministry partners who are motivated to make major gifts during their lifetime or as estate transfers. These proposals cover numerous areas including outright gifts of appreciated property, bargain sales, charitable trusts, life estate transfers, etc.

When a ministry partner desires to make a major gift, a personalized proposal is prepared, reviewing the impact of the gift upon the partner’s total estate, as well as its potential tax implications. This proposal also presents the non-tax advantages of the gift, and provides legal counsel with the relevant tax citations substantiating the authority of the recommendations. In addition, a step-by-step process is outlined to guide your ministry partner through the completion of the gift.

If you are interested in learning more, contact us at: 678-823-0028 or [email protected]