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Theological Education for a West African Country

Africa | Project # 94949


In this West African country, Islam and animistic religions have a powerful hold on the majority of the people. Yet the Church in West Africa is spreading the light of the gospel to unreached people groups. And many are coming to Jesus.

Much of the growth of the Church in Africa has been characterized as an inch deep and a mile wide, and many pastors minister with little or no training or knowledge of Scripture. It’s no wonder that one of the greatest needs expressed by African church planters and pastors is for training.

This project helps fund the creation of theological education and pastoral training programs. Existing resources are used when contextually appropriate, and courses are being translated into three of the country’s main languages. The programs will be structured in a way that best serves the students, with year-round access as well as a distance learning option. In time, the team hopes to replicate this training program in several neighboring countries.

Thank you for your gifts to this project. Each national pastor trained is another gospel lighthouse!