Career + Missions Internship in the Middle East
Global Muslim Ministry Team North Africa-Middle East Muslim Team 1–11 Months Middle EastFinished college? Feel drawn to missions, but also want to use your degree and get career clarity? Come for six to nine months and be part of a team working toward church planting among an unreached Arab people group. In this program, you'll get exposure to life in the Middle East, develop friendships with locals, get training in how to share the gospel, and also get career coaching in your field. Use your career for the glory of God among unreached peoples!
Nearly any job that you work in the U.S. could be used as an avenue for gospel work in the Middle East, whether you have business skills, teaching skills, or a specific trade. We'd love to chat with you about how we can equip and support you as you transition from college to your career.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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