Make Disciples Among Refugees
Global Muslim Ministry Team North Africa-Middle East Muslim Team Longer Middle EastDoes reading the Bible in a refugee home over a glass of hot mint tea appeal to you? Are you passionate about life-on-life, gospel seed-sowing among a closed, unreached people group? If you’re a good listener and learner, and relationally oriented, this is a great opportunity to join a new team with a big vision: They’re working to develop a gospel-centered, well-equipped, and indigenous-led church-planting movement among Syrian Muslims in this Arab country and broader region.
The team prioritizes prayer, spiritual care, and culturally sensitive disciple-making. They specifically desire people who are called to long-term ministry among Arabic-speaking peoples, and who are ready to learn Arabic and Arab culture. Does this sound intriguing? Use the “Get Started” button above and let’s get the conversation started.

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