The Hilltop School
Asia - South | Project # 96025
The Hilltop School provides food, shelter, education, and the message of the gospel to more than 60 children from several remote hill tribes in South Asia.
Several years ago, Christians from a neighboring town who wanted to reach this hill tribe community went to the chief and asked, "How can we help you and your people?" He responded, "We need a school. If you build a school, I'll donate the land." God provided the money and Hilltop Christian School was built. Now children who previously had little opportunity for education are able to attend school, receive physical provision, and hear the message of the gospel.
The school has also became a platform for the gospel to reach the surrounding villages, as many of the children who attend and come to know Christ at the school are from villages and areas that are largely unchurched. Graduates from the school have gone to high school and college and are active in local churches. The local church that is connected with the school has a vision for the school to provide much-needed education to the community, help struggling families, and raise up future leaders for the local church.
Please help further the spread of the gospel through this unique opportunity to serve remote areas of South Asia.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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