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Ethnographic Study of Muslim People Groups

Asian Crescent Team Global Muslim Ministry Team Longer Asia - Southeast

Did you ever think you could use your love of ethnographic research for the kingdom? We’re looking for someone with that background who has some theological training and great relational skills. The work includes studying the inter-relations of different tribal groups, especially between Christians and Muslims. This will aid the local church in her understanding of missions and in outreach to Muslims. It may lead to long-term ministry as part of a broader partnership work.

One hundred and fifty years ago, gospel witness among Muslims in this region was banned by colonial authorities. It was just too politically sensitive; yet a handful of Muslims turned to Christ. Nearby tribal groups that had converted to Christianity sent pastors to establish a few churches here. Now the strategic setting of these churches is more obvious than ever before, and our team wants to come alongside two small churches to strengthen them and to help grow them as a force to push back the darkness. The research will be a critical part of these efforts.


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Teachers: Coordinate Programs for Rohingya Refugee Center
Mentor Interns at Refugee Community Center
Pastor Training
Teachers: Coordinate Programs for Rohingya Refugee Center
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