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What could happen if every PCA church committed to send an additional 1% of their members to missions?

We're thankful that the PCA is a missions-sending denomination. We're already doing it! But what if we sent more? 1% more? How many global communities could be renewed by the transformative power of the gospel? How many unreached people groups would hear the gospel? How many new churches would be started, and fledgling churches supported? 

Are you a church leader and willing to take up this challenge to pray that God would raise up an additional 1% of your church to missions? Click below and we'll send you materials to help get you started.

Challenge Accepted

We Live in a Time of Disruption.

A global pandemic. Threats of war. Natural disasters. More refugees than ever before. 
This is also a time of divine disruption. People's worlds are shaken. Those fleeing war are pouring into other countries.
And hearts are opening in ways this generation has not seen.
The gospel work isn't finished.


PCA Communicant Members
x 1%

= 3,000

New Missionaries

We asked MTW’s field leadership to imagine what they could do with an additional 1% of missionaries. Recognizing that not all of the 1% will serve through MTW, our missionaries came up with a God-sized goal to plant 486 new churches, including churches in 192 new cities and 63 new countries!


If God prompted every PCA church to send another 1% of its members, we could commission 3,000 new missionaries across the globe!


God works through the prayers of His people:
"Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." — John 14:13

Pray that God would bring your church members forward to be part of the 1%. We are ready to help with questions and guide next steps. Email [email protected] or register your commitment and receive a helpful starter packet.


What Churches Have Committed to the 1% Challenge?


Have you committed your church to the 1% challenge? If so, we want to help you with next steps. We have digital resources to bring your congregation on board. This includes bulletin inserts, a 4-week church service plan, videos and more. Make sure you register your commitment so that you receive print resources as well!


Do we count our existing missionaries?
Do we count our existing missionaries?

We’re excited that the Lord has called some of your members to global missions! This is a new challenge, though: we’re asking the Lord to raise up 1% of PCA members as new missionaries. Please pray with us that He will graciously provide. 

What are you asking of churches?
What are you asking of churches?

We are asking churches to commit to praying that God would raise up an additional 1% of their members to serve in cross-cultural missions. We have some suggestions for how to do this:

1. Praying that the Holy Spirit would move in the hearts of your members to commit themselves to global missions and the advancement of the gospel.

2. Provide resources and opportunities for your church to focus on global missions. This might be a Perspectives course, a missions emphasis week, praying for missionaries you already support, and talking about the Great Commission from the pulpit and elsewhere.

We at MTW would like to help you and your church with equipping the 1%! Visit this page for resources. We also have a rich catalog of videos showing the impact of MTW work across the globe and other resources. Contact us at [email protected] for more resources.

3. Identify your candidates and pray for them, guide them, and help them on their journey.

4. Celebrate the Lord’s blessing! We’d love to hear your stories: [email protected].

Is there a deadline?
Is there a deadline?

We are issuing this call to the church to commit 1% of their members to missions and with the Lord's help, get them to the mission field by 2026.

Do they have to go with MTW?
Do they have to go with MTW?

No, not at all. We want to challenge churches to send more workers into the fields that are “ripe for harvest,” and there are many ways to get to the field.

Who will track our progress?
Who will track our progress?

We’re encouraging you, the church leadership, to track your own progress since you know the organizations you are serving with. Email us at [email protected] so we can be encouraged at what God is doing in your congregation and help you with resources.

How long do they have to serve?
How long do they have to serve?

We are encouraging you to count missionaries who will serve 1 year or longer.

God is transforming lives worldwide, for His glory.

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