Enriching Your Missions Engagement

The Southeast Mobilization hub is your connection point if you're ...

- Looking for guidance as you consider serving in missions
- Needing to raise the profile of missions in your church
- Seeking ways to explore a call to missions, whether that’s for yourself or your church

So that we can better serve this region, our boundaries have changed. We now serve the states of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and portions of Virginia. The Southeast hub is also home to MTW's Headquarters, located in Atlanta. Looking for your region's hub? Click the orange "Find Your Hub" button to the right.

Southeast States


Leonard Liu


Leonard was born in Brazil, moved to the U.S. when he was five-years old, and grew up in the Los Angeles area. He has traveled throughout the world on numerous short-term mission trips and for business. He and his wife, Nancy, have a heart for internationals and seeing God’s kingdom grow through missions. He was in business and academics for years and later received his M.A. and M.Div. from Biblical Theological Seminary (now Missio Seminary). More recently, he was the associate pastor at Sycamore PCA near Richmond, Virginia, and then the church planter and founding pastor of Evergreen Community Church (PCA). He loves cooking, reading, cheering for the Lakers, and being with his family. He and Nancy have three grown children.

Contact: [email protected]

Stan & Connie Beasley

Southeast Hub Mobilizers

Stan and Connie met over 30 years ago as Connie prepared to join a construction team to finish a family camp in the French Alps. At that time, Stan was finishing his M.A. in education. A year later, they married.

Stan coached and taught high school students both in Greenville, South Carolina, and in France at The Michelin International School. After eight years in the classroom, he moved into industry, working in quality and training roles for German and French companies for 21 years. He retired early in July 2020 to pursue ministry opportunities with MTW.

Connie worked for an international architectural firm doing mechanical design in Bermuda. She also has experience in customer service and in language training.

The Beasleys are mobilizers for MTW’s Southeast Hub, focusing on a culture of missions among presbyteries, churches, seminaries, and colleges. They will be developing new missionaries, strengthening relationships both domestically and internationally, and encouraging local church congregations. Stan and Connie are based in South Carolina.

Contact: [email protected]


Cultivate: Upcoming One-Day, In-Person Seminars
Caring for Missionaries Webinar | Various 2025 dates
Cultivate a Culture of Missions in Your Church
LINK: The Next Step Toward Missions | July 11 - 12
MTW East Coast Missions Conference | July 11 - 12


At MTW, we believe that sending more diverse missionaries better reflects the image of God and helps build more effective ministry as people of color bring their voices and gospel stories to those waiting to hear. If you would like more info about how the MTW Diversifi initiative and RADD (Reformed And Diverse Delegates) can help you in your mission, please contact one of our diversity mobilizers.

Sign Up For The Southeast Hub Newsletter


If you'd like to get in touch with our hub to learn more about events, talk about serving with MTW, or would like help for your church, please contact us!

To speak with one of our Southeast representatives
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 804-543-7756

For questions about serving with MTW
Email: [email protected]

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