"Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, Obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ."
—Motto of the Presbyterian Church in America
“A person who is not interested in missions has not been properly exposed. Few churches stress missions, mainly because the pastors themselves lack education and exposure ... When pastors are really turned on, the people will follow them.”
—John Kyle, MTW Coordinator 1974–1977, 1988–1994
“Ministry flows from relationship.”
—Paul McKaughan, MTW Coordinator 1977–1987
Congress on World Evangelization, Thailand - 1980
Left to right: Archie Parrish, William Shoemaker, John E. Kyle, Paul McKaughan, Donald B. Patterson, Robert G. Rayburn, Arthur Glasser
“As I see it, we have done a pretty good job of reaching some unreached people in rural areas of the world, but the real task facing us is evangelizing the unreached in urban situations. … Thousands are moving from the country to the city. In one city alone there can be dozens of complex ethnic groups, a barrier just as formidable as tribal groups.”
—John Kyle, MTW Coordinator 1974–1977, 1988–1994
“God is the painter, and we are the paintbrush. God is the one who accomplishes the work. He accomplishes it through us, but we’re just the instrument.”
—Paul Kooistra, MTW Coordinator 1994–2014
Teaching in Honduras - 2008
Missionary Mike Pettengill teaches at a local village in La Ceiba, Honduras
“Our vision isn’t just maintaining what we have. It’s the gospel of the kingdom advancing through the world. What would a kingdom-advancing prayer look like? We want to challenge the church to offer up its best evangelists, disciple-makers, and leaders to go and serve in missions.”
—Lloyd Kim, MTW Coordinator 2015–Present
Staff Brunch Welcoming Lloyd Kim
MTW Staff welcome and pray for Dr. Lloyd Kim and his family - Fall 2014
Over nearly a half century of ministry, MTW’s size and kingdom impact have grown enormously: from a scrappy handful of missionaries with a budget of just $100,000 to a global agency comprised of 509 missionaries serving one year or longer, 1274 missionaries, interns, and trip participants and 1,252 national partners serving in 104 different countries around the world.
Today, all across the globe, MTW missionaries are planting churches, discipling university students, and training local Christian leaders with solid, Reformed theology. Medical missionaries serve the poor in the mountains of Peru and the slums of Ethiopia; artists use their craft as a vehicle for evangelism, discipleship, and expressing the beauty of our Creator in Germany and Japan; and entrepreneurs start business as missions enterprises in countries hostile to the Christian faith. The particular callings pursued by our missionaries are diverse, and yet the Church is at the center of each.