Andrew Shaughnessy
Andrew Shaughnessy is a long-time word slinger who spent nearly six years as MTW’s staff writer, gathering and telling impact stories from missionaries across the globe. These days, he’s off working as an analyst and editor in the publishing industry, writing fiction, and mountaineering. He holds a B.A. in history and English literature from Covenant College, and an M.S. in political science from Portland State University.
The Natural Evolution of MTW’s Church Planting Philosophy
"The Church must be at the center of what we do. It’s integrally intertwined with our vision, our mission, and our theology."
SEE MOREFrom COVID Relief to Growing Church Communities: Advancing the Gospel in South Asia
In 2020, a local pastor used Compassion Funds to distribute food during lockdowns and many came to faith. Here's what's happened since.
SEE MOREProviding for His Family, Pursuing the Great Commission
Darrell MacKay's kingdom legacy is built around one central question: “What does God want me to do with what He has given me?”
SEE MOREMissionaries in West Africa Use Sustainable Farming Techniques to Love Their Neighbors and Further the Gospel
An agriculture development program is helping African Christians become food self-sufficient and have extra resources for kingdom work.
SEE MORE7 Churches; 500 Congregants; 0 Pastors: Problems and Potential in Sierra Leone
A growing network of churches sounds like a dream. But there’s just one problem. The Presbyterian Church of Sierra Leone has no pastors.
SEE MOREEllen Barnett: The Extraordinary Life of MTW’s Last Original Missionary
Over nearly half a century of service, Ellen has helped start churches, a presbytery, a music program, a school, and even a seminary.
SEE MOREThe Pandemic Isn’t Over Yet: Many of our Global Communities Continue to Suffer
For many of us, it feels like the pandemic is over. Yet in much of the world, the crisis is the worst and deadliest it has ever been.
SEE MOREStewarding Our Blessings: Accountant Mary Randolph Follows God's Lead
Did God really call accountants to the mission field? She wasn’t so sure. And yet, the call was unmistakable.
SEE MORE6 Ways God Used the Pandemic to Open Doors for Gospel Ministry in Senegal
Jim was concerned about what would happen to the community of believers when the lockdowns hit. But God had bigger plans.
SEE MOREAs MTW Missionaries Retire, Czech Christians Rise to the Challenge to Grow Local Church
Growing up in the Czech Republic, Roman had no interest in Christianity. Now an elder, he sees himself as a legacy of faithful missionaries.
SEE MOREHarnessing Hospitality: One Man’s Journey to Become a Church Planter in South Asia
As God impressed on Arjun's heart that "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few," Arjun knew he wanted to answer the call.
SEE MOREPandemic, Missions, and Loneliness: Q&A with MTW’s Member Care Network
As we’ve spoken with MTW missionaries over this last year, one theme has come up over and over again—that of loneliness and anxiety.
SEE MOREChurch Plants in the Former Soviet Bloc Bear Gospel Fruit
After the fall of the Soviet Union, a huge wave of missionaries poured in, and that tilled ground is bearing fruit 30 years later.
SEE MOREGifts to MTW’s Compassion Fund Helped Communities Around the Globe During COVID-19
In 17 countries across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, the Compassion Fund helped feed those most impacted by COVID-19.
SEE MOREA Multigenerational Dream for Global Missions
Grace Chung's missionary service continues a legacy her grandfather initiated when he was still in North Korea.
SEE MORERemote Tribe in a Muslim-Majority Country Thrives as a Gospel Partnership Bears Fruit
A traditionally animist tribe, in a Muslim-majority country, has become a growing, thriving, missional community of faith.
SEE MOREA Mercy Ministry in Ethiopia’s Slums Bears Gospel Fruit During COVID-19
When the virus arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, MTW missionaries working in the capital city’s slums feared the worst.
SEE MOREPlanting, Harvesting, and Sharing: Joe Timberlake's Kingdom Legacy
The Timberlakes wanted to do more than just support their local church. So they sought out ways to get involved with global missions.
SEE MOREWhat Does Racial Justice Have to Do With Missions?
We asked three MTW missionaries of color.
SEE MOREIntroducing ... Virtual Mission Trips!
When the pandemic canceled international travel, Martha Bateman took MTW's short-term mission trips online.
SEE MOREStuck in Germany by COVID-19 Lockdowns, a Muslim Man Comes to Christ
As missionaries felt the fatigue and discouragement of prolonged stress, God showed up with a reminder that He is the One doing the work.
SEE MORECOVID-19, the Big Apple, and Loving Our Neighbor
When the pandemic froze New York City in its tracks, an MTW missionary couple leapt into action.
SEE MOREMTW Compassion Funds Feed the Starving During Global Pandemic
As quarantines continue, people are beginning to starve. MTW missionaries, acting as the hands and feet of Christ, are responding.
SEE MOREThe Accidental Relief Program: COVID-19 in Honduras
In Honduras, the lockdown was total and immediate. MTW missionaries immediately thought of their neighbors who would need groceries—fast.
SEE MOREAnd to the Ends of the Earth
When a remote jungle community needed the gospel, nothing could stand in Tony Elswick's way. Not even quicksand.
SEE MOREA Foundation of Friendship: Short-Term Mission Teams Build Bridges in Canada’s First Nations Reserves
In a context of cultural richness and spiritual poverty, laborers are working to ensure that the light of Christ is seen and truth heard.
SEE MOREJust Do It: Fran & Kay Williams’ Lifelong Stewardship Journey
"Over the years, we’ve heard so many stories that make you think, ‘Wow, what a huge impact a small amount of money can have!’”
SEE MOREKicked Out: Our Plan “B” was His Plan “A”
Facing persecution and kicked out of their country of service, MTW missionaries in the Middle East stand strong.
SEE MOREKicked Out: Pain, the Police, and the Sovereignty of God
God used the process of being kicked out to cleanse their hearts and teach them to depend more intimately on Him as a loving Father.
SEE MOREKicked Out: Reframing the Call to Missions
When Benjamin was kicked out of East Asia, he knew his missions work would continue. His calling was to a people, not to a location.
SEE MOREKicked Out: The Personal Toll of Missionary Expulsion
“It was absolutely devastating for our family. The initial shock of it, seeing my kids scream, being pulled away from me—that was dramatic."
SEE MOREGrow as a Global Ministry Leader
Hungry to make an impact? MTW is forging the cross-cultural missions leaders of the future.
SEE MOREHurricane Dorian Devastates Bahamas
MTW is responding to the devastation and psychological trauma. Check back regularly as we post updates to the evolving situation.
SEE MOREThe Greek Church Meets Disaster With Mercy
Greece's worst wildfire in 100 years has opened doors for gospel ministry and church planting in the seaside city of Mati.
SEE MOREThe Reluctant Giver: Starting with Stewardship, Growing in Grace
Tom was successful in the eyes of the world, but reluctant to part with his wealth. Yet the Spirit was tugging on his heart.
SEE MOREMedicine Opens Doors for the Church
Medical Ministry directors Drs. Ted and Sharon Kuhn leave a legacy of wellness and strategic church planting.
SEE MORETime, Talents, and Treasure: One Man Proves Missions Doesn’t Stop at Retirement
In his retirement, one MTW supporter decided to dive headlong into serving missionaries and MTW with his time and business expertise.
SEE MORERemembering Dr. Paul McKaughan — Missionary, Visionary, Faithful Servant of the King
Former MTW Coordinator Dr. Paul McKaughan died December 31, 2018. His kindness, character, and wisdom left their mark on the hearts of many.
SEE MOREA Virtuous Cycle of Missions
From village to city and city to village, MTW missionaries in Cambodia are building on each other's work—and God is transforming lives.
SEE MOREAbir’s Dream: Growth and Opportunity in Israel and Palestine
Abir, a Muslim, and Simon, a Christian, grew up together in Jerusalem. Confused by a recurring dream, Abir turned to his friend.
SEE MOREPeace and Perspective: A Life Leveraged for the Kingdom
David Castor always reminds the other bus drivers, "Hey, if something happens to me on the mission field, know that I died happy."
SEE MORESending 1%: How Would the World Change?
The 1% Challenge has allowed missionaries to dream—to look at the people, the neighborhoods in need of churches—and imagine what could be.
SEE MORECo-Working Spaces: Sharing Space and Sharing Christ in South Asia
A new Business as Mission enterprise in South Asia is aiding church planting and building community.
SEE MOREIn Cambodia, Cows May Hold the Key to Sustainable Church Planting
When a rural Khmer church realized they were too dependent on outside funding, they began to think creatively. They began to think of cows.
SEE MOREWhen Church Planting Is Perilous: South Asia
In part two of our two-part series, we look at the danger and opportunity of church planting in South Asia.
SEE MOREWhen Church Planting Is Perilous: East Asia
In part one of our two-part series, we look at the danger and opportunity of church planting in East Asia.
SEE MORECountry Church, City Church
How an MTW church plant in middle-class South Asia is multiplying and making waves
SEE MOREHow to Build a Denomination: Blazing the Trail for Reformed Churches in Uruguay
With no Reformed denomination in Uruguay, the Calls’ task is bigger than starting a church. It's to build an entire denomination.
SEE MOREA Common Vision: The Birth and Growth of a Church Plant in Ethiopia
It started as a ministry for people affected by HIV/AIDS, but a vital piece of the team's holistic vision was always to plant a church.
SEE MOREReclaiming Hope: Community and Church Planting in Juarez, Mexico
Juarez was once ruled by fear and violence. Today it's home to a vibrant, growing, church-planting ministry built on love and compassion.
SEE MOREHow Business as Mission Is Shaping the Church in Central Asia
Business can be a powerful platform for reaching and impacting communities in the Muslim-majority world.
SEE MOREThe Rohingya: Global Exiles in Need of the Global Church
Orphaned and trafficked, with no home, no country, no future, three Rohingya boys ended up in a school with a missionary as their teacher.
SEE MOREThe Starting Line: How the Global Missions Conference Changed One Woman’s Life
Molly Waldren was unsure about the next chapter of her life. Then a friend encouraged her to go to the Global Missions Conference.
SEE MOREThe Dangerous Myth of the Invincible Missionary
Here’s the uncomfortable truth—missionaries are ordinary Christians following extraordinary calls.
SEE MOREPanama Embraces Their Venezuelan Refugee Neighbors
A church plant in Panama City found itself surrounded by refugees, and saw an opportunity to embrace a gospel imperative.
SEE MOREChristmas Was Grittier Than We Remember
The harsh realities of massacre and refugees on the run in the Christmas story are key to the narrative of redemption.
SEE MORECarolyn Kullmar: Steward of Relationships
As an MTW donor and a steward of relationships, Carolyn Kullmar is just as much a part of the MTW story as the missionaries she supports.
SEE MORETo the Ends of the Earth and Two Miles Beyond
Medical clinics go into the most unreached areas of the world, providing quality medical care alongside the gospel.
SEE MOREThai Church Provides Community for the Outcast
When a Thai mother and her daughters found themselves alone and rejected, the church community was ready and eager to embrace them.
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