In a region of Mexico marked by transience, poverty, addiction, and the destructive effects of the drug underworld, many churches struggle to provide real hope due to lack of biblical teaching and capitulation to legalism and a prosperity gospel. The MTW team in Baja and the northwest border is partnering with Mexican church planters to fuel a Christ-centered, Spirit-led church planting movement that is filled with mercy and justice, with the goal of seeing transformed individuals, families, and communities.

MTW acts in a support role to organizations like the National Presbyterian Church in Mexico, the Center for Church Planting (CPI), and Ministerios Transformación. God is using this collaborative effort to equip church planters, train leaders, begin new churches, and strengthen existing ones. The team vision is that strong gospel-centered churches will be a catalyst for spiritual, social, and cultural renewal along the border and throughout Mexico.


Boling, Peter & Jenny

The Bolings have a vision to see a healthy network of biblical churches planted throughout the Baja California peninsula.

The Bolings have a vision to see a healthy network of biblical churches planted throughout the Baja California...

Diaso, David & Dawn

David and Dawn minister in the world’s largest bi-national city: the San Diego-Tijuana border.

David and Dawn minister in the world’s largest bi-national city: the San Diego-Tijuana border.

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La Paz, Mexico | Summer Trips
Mission Trips

What God Is Doing in Mexico and Cuba (Audio)

MTW Missionary Dave Diaso shares what God is doing in Mexico and Cuba and how you can get involved.


Bulwarks Against the Darkness: Church-Planting Partnerships in Northwest Mexico

In 2012 the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico set a goal to plant 10 churches in 10 years in 10 cities. They're on track to meet it.


Divine Appointment in Mexico City: A Changed Life

They'd just begun to eat their breakfast when they noticed a woman sitting at a table nearby, crying. They invited her to join them.


Short-term Missions in Mexico: A Life Changed

Are short-term trips effective? If you're doubtful, just ask Claudia.


Video: Church-Planting Center in Northern Mexico

A dream 14 years in the making is now a reality—a church-planting center for a Reformed church-planting movement in Northern Mexico.


Pray for the national pastors serving in Mexico and Cuba, many of whom are bi-vocational, and the work God is doing among them.

Pray for a woman in Mexico City who recently came to faith in the midst of a personal crisis. 

Last summer, Claudia came to faith through a summer trip. She has since been baptized. Pray for those who come to faith in Mexico as a result of short-term trips to plug into the church.

Ensenada Church Plant

Partner with MTW as they help the national Presbyterian denomination plant a church among professionals in Ensenada, Mexico.

Mexico Church Planting Leadership Development

Gospel-centered church planter training for Mexican pastors.

Ministerios Transformación

MTW’s partnership with a Mexican church network is facilitating a church-planting movement.