Although Christianity once flourished in Italy, today few faithfully practice the culturally traditional Catholic faith. Secularism is common and those seeking spiritual answers are more likely to explore a New Age or pagan practice than consider the Bible. Church workers who are faithfully sharing the gospel face discouragement.

MTW seeks to provide support for and assist existing Bible-proclaiming churches as they mature and expand. Missionaries are serving in several cities across Italy, evangelizing, assisting in the planting and growing of churches, training church leaders, and working to develop an Italian Reformed denomination.


Garofalo, Santo & Mary Ellen

Santo & Mary Ellen are both excited about serving with the national Italian leaders of Nuova Vita in Salerno, Italy.

Santo & Mary Ellen are both excited about serving with the national Italian leaders of Nuova Vita in Salerno, Italy.

Coluccia, Vincenzo & Judit

Vincenzo and Judit will be serving in Lecce, Italy planting the first Presbyterian church in the South.

Vincenzo and Judit will be serving in Lecce, Italy planting the first Presbyterian church in the South.

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Assist an Italian Pastor in Lecce
Serve a Church Plant in Palermo, Italy | March 22-31
Mission Trips

Christ Will Build His Church

Europe is the new “dark continent.” Churches are being turned into bars and museums. But does that mean the European Church is without hope?


Pray for the students at the University of Bologna in Bologna, Italy, where fewer than 0.1 percent of students have a relationship with Christ. 

Pray for the declining Church in Europe. Many see Europe as post-Christian and without hope. But we know that Christ will build His church.

Europe Scholarship & Assistance

Enabling spiritual refreshment for missionaries and national partners