A region once stained by decades of violence and drug trafficking, the state of Antioquia, Colombia, has made huge strides in shrugging off its former reputation. Medellín, which was named “the world’s most innovative city” in 2012, is Columbia's second largest city and is now known instead for its cultural opportunities and progressive improvements to education, transportation, and infrastructure. Though social reformation has been quick, biblical reformation has not kept pace.
The region's population growth has headed east from Medellín and is spilling over into the surrounding area. Eastern Antioquia, as it is known, is the fastest growing region in Colombia, and this is precisely where the team desires to see a church-planting movement. Through university ministry, theological education, biblical counseling, and other mercy ministries, they hope to bring spiritual growth and renewal beginning in Rionegro, the principal city of this growth to the east.
Andino, Christopher
Christopher will serve in various areas of pastoral ministry in Rionegro, Colombia.
Christopher will serve in various areas of pastoral ministry in Rionegro, Colombia.

Bersach, Manny & Terri
Manny & Terri will be planting churches in Rionegro, Colombia.
Manny & Terri will be planting churches in Rionegro, Colombia.

Bonham, Nathan & Nikki
The Bonhams are starting a new church-planting work in in the growing cities of Medellín and Rio Negro, Colombia.
The Bonhams are starting a new church-planting work in in the growing cities of Medellín and Rio Negro, Colombia.

McCall, John & Lorena
John and Lorena are building relationships with young adult students in Medellin, Colombia, through the unique and highly effective avenue of outdoor ministry.
John and Lorena are building relationships with young adult students in Medellin, Colombia, through the unique and...

Robertson, Steve & Amy
Steve and Amy serve in the Americas providing leadership and spiritual care to MTW missionaries.
Steve and Amy serve in the Americas providing leadership and spiritual care to MTW missionaries.

In a World of Growing International Mobilization, Andrew Lupton Serves the Displaced
Instead of "Where are the unreached people?" Andrew suggests we ask "Where are strategic intersections of the nations?" Then let's go there!
SEE MOREWhat Is Missionary Life Like for Kids in Colombia? (VIDEO)
Join the Lupton kids as they give us a video tour of a typical day in their lives as missionary kids in Bogota, Colombia.
SEE MOREPray for church-planting work to increase and bear much fruit in strategic cities around the world that are filling with diverse international populations.
Pray for the city of Medellin, Colombia, and for the new church-planting work beginning there.
Fund a mobile training facilitator who works alongside missionaries and local leaders throughout Central and South America to disciple and train pastors, ministerial candidates, elders, and deacons.
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