Bangkok, Thailand is a bustling metropolis of 14 million, both deeply engrained with Thai culture and Buddhism, and home to a growing and increasingly Westernized middle class. Yet, Bangkok is also a city plagued by corruption, sexual oppression, and poverty, the capital of a country in which the vast majority have never heard the hope of the gospel.

The MTW team in Bangkok is dedicated to advancing the kingdom of God in Thailand. Partnering closely with Thai national pastors, they support a church-planting network that has been growing throughout the city since 2000, and are deeply committed to gospel-driven evangelism and discipleship, building relationships with Thais, and building up Thai national leadership in church plants around the city. Though it is slow and difficult at times, real change, real redemption, real hope happens in Bangkok, and the beauty of that is worth the struggle.


Adams, Trey & Kiki

Trey and Kiki Adams serve in Bangkok, Thailand, spreading a passion for the growth of God’s kingdom throughout the country.

Trey and Kiki Adams serve in Bangkok, Thailand, spreading a passion for the growth of God’s kingdom throughout the...

Claburn, Chris

Chris is going to Bangkok, Thailand, to serve with an MTW church-planting team alongside Thai national pastors in the local church.

Chris is going to Bangkok, Thailand, to serve with an MTW church-planting team alongside Thai national pastors in the...

Cromley, Sam & Madison

The Cromleys will serve in Bangkok, Thailand, as a part of what God is doing through MTW’s church-planting team.

The Cromleys will serve in Bangkok, Thailand, as a part of what God is doing through MTW’s church-planting team.

In, Samuel

Samuel will be serving in Bangkok, Thailand, for 11 months, beginning in 2025. He will be serving the local Thai church in university and youth ministry.

Samuel will be serving in Bangkok, Thailand, for 11 months, beginning in 2025. He will be serving the local Thai...

McWhorter, Carter & Caroline

Carter and Caroline are joining the MTW church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand, where they will work alongside the local church and Thai national pastors.

Carter and Caroline are joining the MTW church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand, where they will work alongside the...

Mills, Tim & Rhianna

The MTW team in Bangkok seeks the transformation of that great city, working with Thai leaders to plant city churches.

The MTW team in Bangkok seeks the transformation of that great city, working with Thai leaders to plant city churches.

Nash, Ty & Ginna

Ty & Ginna will serve on a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand.

Ty & Ginna will serve on a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand.

Stephens, Noah & Karleigh

Noah and Karleigh are excited to serve with the team in Bangkok, Thailand, where they will help with church planting.

Noah and Karleigh are excited to serve with the team in Bangkok, Thailand, where they will help with church planting.

Thomas, Jake & Courtney

Jake and Courtney will be serving on a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand, helping to establish a network of gospel-centered churches in the city.

Jake and Courtney will be serving on a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand, helping to establish a network of...

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Serve with Grace City Bangkok
Summer Internships

Chris Claburn’s Call to Bangkok (VIDEO)

Watch Chris’s journey from summer internship to church planting as he discovers his calling. He now serves in a church plant in Thailand.


A Parish Church Model in Thailand (VIDEO)

Trey was drawn to a ministry style where he could take his kids on walks and more easily get to know people in the community.


Beyond Pad Thai and Elephants: My Journey Through Thailand as an Intern

Being in Bangkok has been the experience of a lifetime. It has made me desire to know God more deeply and affirmed my passion for missions.


ใว้วางใจ “Wai Waang Jai”

I met an uneasy P’Manao that first Sunday at church. Despite the hour-long drive in Bangkok traffic, she came back every week.


An Incremental Journey: From Interns to Long-Term Missionaries

John and Julie’s journey wasn’t rooted in a single dramatic moment. It was a slow, step-by-step process of following the Spirit’s leading.


Thai Church Provides Community for the Outcast

When a Thai mother and her daughters found themselves alone and rejected, the church community was ready and eager to embrace them.


“To Be Thai is to Be Buddhist”

To become a Christian in Thailand requires a fundamental shift in identity. But it is a shift many are making.


Why Missions Is a Big Deal

Did Abraham orchestrate the events that led to the Messiah's entrance into history? Not a chance. God called Abraham to do one thing: Move.


Rhianna: One Day in the Life of an MTW Missionary - A Video

Join Rhianna Mills on her morning jog to experience the sights and people of Thailand.


The Financial Struggle of National Pastors

Pramot, a pastor at New City Fellowship in Thailand, recently lost his wife to cancer. He's had to start a business to make ends meet.


Sewing for Jesus

“The purpose isn’t to make bags. The purpose of this is to share the Gospel with each of our ladies and our customers.”


What is Southeast Asia Partnership? A Video

Southeast Asia Partnership is a missional community of people who have a heart to serve by giving, going, or mobilizing others.


Why We (Missionaries) Need Your Prayers

How amazing it was that the Lord had him praying for us at the moment when I was wishing that I could tell people to pray!


Give thanks that God still calls workers into His harvest! Pray today for Chris Claburn, as he serves on a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand.

Pray for a new parish-style church in Bangkok, Thailand, where the missionaries and church members are able to live in close proximity to one another and more easily minister to the community around them. 

Pray that God would draw college students to serve on internships this summer.

Pray for young believers growing in their faith in Bangkok, Thailand, and that many would be drawn into the church.

Pray for Tim Mills (Thailand), Abi Lowther & Roger Lowther (Japan), Joe Congdon (Japan), and Shannon Hinkle (Australia) as they all use their artistic gifts to support the Church in gospel outreach, mercy ministry, and community building.

As the Thai people grieve the loss of their king, pray that many would seek out the true King. Pray for MTW churches as they reach out in love to the Thai people.

Pray for those in Thailand who are resistant to the gospel because "to be Thai is to be Buddhist." Pray they'll see that they can embrace the gospel and still retain their culture.

Pray for women forced by poverty into sex work. Pray for MTW ministries around the globe seeking to rescue and minister to these women.

New believers are getting baptized! Pray for the growth of new Christians at Grace City in Bangkok, Thailand, and for those coming to faith and getting baptized.

Pray for a widower and pastor in Thailand trying to raise his young daughter, manage his air conditioning business, and pastor a church. Pray also for other national pastors who often struggle financially.

Pray for the women of Napada handbags, a business as mission venture of New City Fellowship in Bangkok, Thailand.

MAKE Collective

MTW creatives are becoming part of international church-planting movements.