In culturally Catholic northern Mexico, many depend on traditions, family name, and social or economic status for happiness and purpose. A strong work ethic and pursuit of a better life through materialism can leave little room for acknowledging spiritual need. But when these supports fail, the MTW Monterrey and Northeast Border team and local churches are prepared to meet hurting individuals with the grace and hope of Jesus.

Members of the team engage the community in Monterrey and cities on both sides of the border through things like mercy ministry, health ministry, and marriage counseling. Through the Monterrey-based CPI (Center for Church Planting), the team is assisting the national Presbyterian denomination (NPCM) in identifying, equipping, and mentoring Mexican church planters who will take the gospel across northern Mexico, planting Reformed, Bible-based churches. MTW missionaries also partner with Isaiah 55 Ministries in the border city of Reynosa, which seeks to reach marginalized people like deaf children and broken and struggling families through education, vocational training, and gospel outreach in one of the hardest neighborhoods of the city.


Craig, Scott & Kathy

The Craigs are assisting and encouraging national church planters in Ciudad Juarez and facilitating short-term teams.

The Craigs are assisting and encouraging national church planters in Ciudad Juarez and facilitating short-term teams.

Support needs are met. Praise God!

Davidson, Charles & Bonita

The Davidsons serve out of Monterrey, Mexico, teaching and mentoring Mexican church planters.

The Davidsons serve out of Monterrey, Mexico, teaching and mentoring Mexican church planters.

Holliday, Tim & Kristy

The Holliday family serves with MTW and Isaiah 55 Ministries at the U.S./Mexico border where they work to spread the gospel through evangelism, church planting, and community development ministries.

The Holliday family serves with MTW and Isaiah 55 Ministries at the U.S./Mexico border where they work to spread the...

Aleman, Jorge & Maricela

Jorge is a senior pastor and the director of the Church Planting Center in Monterrey, Mexico

Jorge is a senior pastor and the director of the Church Planting Center in Monterrey, Mexico

Rudd, Marcus & Heather

Marcus and Heather Rudd’s calling is to serve with MTW and Isaiah 55 Deaf Ministries in Reynosa, Mexico.

Marcus and Heather Rudd’s calling is to serve with MTW and Isaiah 55 Deaf Ministries in Reynosa, Mexico.

Young, Dan & Becky

Dan and Becky Young serve on the border, working with the Center for Church Planting in Monterrey.

Dan and Becky Young serve on the border, working with the Center for Church Planting in Monterrey.

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Assist Isaiah 55 Ministries in Reynosa
Mission Trips
Monterrey, Mexico | Summer Trips
Mission Trips
Durango, Mexico | Summer Trips
Mission Trips
Saltillo, Mexico | Summer Trips
Mission Trips
Ciudad Victoria, Mexico | Summer Trips
Mission Trips

Stories From the Border: God’s Faithfulness Among Sojourners

Living just a short walk from the border means that we regularly meet and have opportunity to serve those who are passing through.


Beauty Poured Into Brokenness

A Mexican mission lives out the gospel in an impoverished neighborhood.


Short-term Missions in Mexico: A Life Changed

Are short-term trips effective? If you're doubtful, just ask Claudia.


The Mexican Pipeline

Four men from RTS-Charlotte are helping to reshape theological education in northern Mexico.


Video: Church-Planting Center in Northern Mexico

A dream 14 years in the making is now a reality—a church-planting center for a Reformed church-planting movement in Northern Mexico.


Pray for God's work among migrants and refugees on the U.S./Mexico border. 

Pray for the kids in Aquiles Serdan neighborhood of Reynosa, Mexico, and the outreach of Isaiah 55 ministry there.

Last summer, Claudia came to faith through a summer trip. She has since been baptized. Pray for those who come to faith in Mexico as a result of short-term trips to plug into the church.

Pray for the Center for Church Planting, headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico, to raise up Mexican church planters to serve across northern Mexico.

Mexico McAllen Area Church Plant

The start of a Spanish-speaking church planting movement at the Texas-Mexico border.