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"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Rom. 12:12).
Pray for the children in Zlin, Czech, to find Jesus through church opportunities geared toward children. Pray for God to use their faith to draw their parents to Christ.
READ RELATED STORYPray for the men and women in Japan who have been attending church to make a public commitment to Christ and to express their faith through baptism.
READ RELATED STORYPray for Muslims to see the reality of Jesus and to surrender their lives to Him regardless of the cost.
READ RELATED STORYPray for the families of believers in Cambodia, many of whom are Buddhist and don't understand the claims of Christ.
READ RELATED STORYPray for the impoverished community of Suki in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our teams are serving people in this community to meet physical and spiritual needs.
READ RELATED STORYPray for believers in Cape Town, South Africa, to understand the reality of salvation by grace alone. Pray for more leaders to be raised up to teach Reformed theology in Africa.
READ RELATED STORYPray for a widower and pastor in Thailand trying to raise his young daughter, manage his air conditioning business, and pastor a church. Pray also for other national pastors who often struggle financially.
READ RELATED STORYPray for people to come to faith in this Muslim majority country through a unique media production Business As Mission team.
READ RELATED STORYPray for Muslims in West Africa who have been impacted by the Ebola virus to find hope in Jesus Christ.
How to pray for missionaries, MTW missionary directory, and 30 Days of Prayer calendar.
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