GMC Multiply

November 1–3, 2024

Rediscovering Our Mission to Go and Make Disciples

Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations—to multiply His followers. Are we? Are you?

Join us and 2000 others in Atlanta, Georgia for 3 days of missions inspiration, vibrant worship, and practical application that will challenge us to rediscover the Great Commission.

The On Mission Leadership Summit is happening Oct. 31–Nov. 1, right before the conference. If you're a pastor or church leader, you won't want to miss this one.


Mission to the World equips churches to send missionaries to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to go and make disciples of all the earth. We are an agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).


MTW equips and sends missionaries to about 100 countries across the world and we resource U.S. PCA churches to do the same. Read about us.


This missions conference is focused on bringing the Church and believers in Jesus back to our true mission: to make disciples of all nations.


Church leaders, people exploring whether they’re called to serve in missions, pray-ers, senders,  pastors, missions committee members, students.

The PCA Global Missions Conference is for anyone who wants to expand their understanding of the world and its great need for the gospel. It’s for those who want to be equipped or who want to equip their church and for missionaries who want to share their stories of how God is working.


Four main sessions and approximately 50 breakout sessions to choose from on topics such as ...

Rekindling a missions-driven church

What's trending in missions

Discerning God’s call

Preparing people in your church to go

Welcoming Your Neighbor

Preparing your family for missions

Hearing stories of God's work


Multiply! The PCA Global Missions Conference


Rico Tice

Co Founder, Christianity Explored

Rico Tice is a passionate evangelist and former senior minister of evangelism at All Souls Langham Place in London. He is currently a member of International Presbyterian Church, Ealing, a partner church of MTW. Cofounder of Christianity Explored Ministries, he is a regular speaker at missions and evangelistic events around the world. He’s the author of two books about understanding the gospel and sharing it with others, “Honest Evangelism” and “Capturing God.”

Rico’s life’s work is to inspire believers to share their faith in Jesus.

He joined All Souls in 1994 during the later years of John Stott (while Richard Bewes was rector), finding himself in his dream role focused on introducing the gospel to those who come through the doors of the central London church.

After 28 years at All Souls, Rico joined Christianity Explored Ministries full time in September 2023.

While at All Souls Rico developed the “Christianity Explored” course, which encourages Christians to open up the Gospel of Mark with their friends and allow Jesus to reveal Himself through this book. Rico saw that Mark’s gospel clearly outlines Jesus’ identity, mission, and call, providing a good understanding of what a life with Jesus looks like.

In Rico’s words: “I want to spend the rest of my life quite simply helping as many people as possible meet the Lord Jesus as He walks off the pages of Mark’s gospel.”

Jonathan I.

International Director, MTW

Jonathan** is a missionary and church planter, currently serving with MTW as the international director for the Asia-Pacific region of the world. Prior to this, he was the founding pastor of New City Fellowship, a small Presbyterian church in a large South Asian city.

The son of missionaries, Jonathan was born in the United States but grew up in Japan. He studied foreign affairs at the University of Virginia (B.A.) and theology at Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div.). From evangelism in the concrete jungles of North Africa to disaster relief on the shores of Sri Lanka, Jonathan’s own missionary journey has given him a deep longing to see Jesus worshiped and churches planted among the least reached peoples of the world.

Jonathan is married to Maggie and they have six daughters and a buoyant golden retriever. They currently live in Chiba, Japan.

**Jonathan's full name and picture are withheld for security reasons.

Russ Whitfield

Pastor, Grace Mosaic, D.C.

Russ Whitfield is the founding pastor of Grace Mosaic, a dynamic church in Washington, D.C., that he is delighted to be leading into its second decade of existence.

After growing up in the church as a pastor’s son and walking away from the faith, he was rescued by God on the campus of New York University. Russ sensed a call to ministry and pursued theological education in Dallas, Texas. While there, Russ, started his ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship under the leadership of Dr. Tony Evans and went on to serve at Park Cities Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas.

In 2009 he was called by The Grace D.C. Network to serve as an assistant pastor of the network’s first congregation, Grace Downtown. In 2013, he teamed up with a wonderful group of people to plant Grace Mosaic.

Russ also serves as the assistant coordinator of cross-cultural advancement for Reformed University Fellowship and he is a guest lecturer in practical theology at Reformed Theological Seminary’s Washington, D.C., campus.

Russ has contributed to books and theological journals and he is deeply committed to the work of hospitality, starting Altar Call BBQ and cofounding The Welcome Table in hopes of helping estranged neighbors to find their way back to one another.

He loves making music and he’s having the time of his life raising four fun-loving children with his lovely wife.

Lloyd Kim

MTW Coordinator

Lloyd Kim has been coordinator of Mission to the World since 2015.

A native of California, he graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a degree in engineering and worked as a consultant with Ernst & Young before getting his M.Div. at Westminster Seminary in California and his doctorate in New Testament studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. He was associate pastor with New Life Mission Church (PCA) in Fullerton, California, before joining MTW.

Lloyd and his wife, Eda, served as missionaries with MTW beginning in 2004 in the Philippines and then in Cambodia, where they started a new church-planting work which grew to a team of 20 working in multiple sites. Eda worked part-time as a physician at a Christian clinic in Phnom Penh, which treated patients connected to their church-planting work. She also mentored medical students and homeschooled their children. She now serves as a doctor in Lawrenceville, Georgia. 

Lloyd served as MTW’s international director of the Asia-Pacific region before his nomination as MTW coordinator in July of 2014. The Kims have three children: Kaelyn (married to David Wu), Christian, and Katy. They live in Lilburn, Georgia.

Sandra McCracken &
Tim Nicholson


Sandra McCracken Nicholson is a singer-songwriter and 2023 Dove Award Winner who has 18 released studio albums spanning a 25-year career of writing and touring.  As one of the most prominent artist-writers for modern hymns, Sandra is also a writer and podcast host for CT Magazine and the author of ‘Send Out Your Light: The Illumination of Scripture and Song.”

Tim Nicholson has worked as a church musician, a Christmas ornament salesman in Harrods, and a whitewater guide. He has shaped and directed music programs at several prominent churches over the past 16 years. He authored a series of music appreciation textbooks and articles for ByFaith Magazine and is co-author with Sandra of a new children’s book, “The Maker of the Mountain” (April 2025, B&H).

As a team, Sandra and Tim combine rich theological hymns, contemporary songs for the church, and expressive musicianship as they lead. The two enjoy playing music, hearing live music, running, reading, tacos, English tea, and all sorts of outdoor adventures. They live in Nashville, TN, with their three children and two family dogs.

Perimeter Worship

Worship Leaders

Perimeter Worship is a ministry of Perimeter Church in Johns Creek, Georgia, which exists to serve the local and global church. “We desire to glorify God by sharing music that reflects our values, theology, and creativity.”

ECMC Worship Team

Worship Leaders

For the past four years, the ECMC Worship Team has come together to lead worship at the annual East Coast Missions Conference. Through their leadership, they have inspired many to join God’s mission to the nations. Comprised of members from various churches across Northern Virginia, the team exemplifies the unity of the local church in service to the global church. As they lead worship, their primary goal is to gather people from all backgrounds to then go to serve the nations.


“We loved being with like-minded believers who love the Lord and embrace missions—and the desire to spread the gospel and glorify God in every tribe, tongue, and nation.”

“I’m a campus minister with RUF and I wanted to bring students (we brought 15) to expose them to opportunities and teaching on missions. I am floored by how well done this conference was …”

“The conference equipped me and motivated me to take some steps towards missions locally and possibly globally.”

“It was a thrill to be part of such exuberant, multicultural worship with brothers and sisters from around the world.”

“The conference demystified some things, solidified my conviction, forced me to see some things in myself, and prompted me to take the next steps toward preparing to go.”


265 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303

Click below to access and book rooms at a discounted rate. (Until October 9 or until space fills)

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12:00 p.m.

Registration Begins

3:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Opens

4:00–5:00 p.m.  

Praying for the Harvest

7:00-8:30 p.m.

Worship/Plenary Session #1 – Rico Tice

8:30 p.m.

Refreshments in Exhibit Hall

11:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Closes



8:00 a.m.

Registration Opens
Exhibit Hall Opens

8:30–10:00 a.m.

Worship/Plenary Session #2 – Rev. Jonathan I.

10:00–10:30 a.m.

Coffee and Snack Break

10:30–11:15 a.m.

The Next Ten Years – Dr. Lloyd Kim (MTW) and Dr. Irwyn Ince (MNA)

11:30–12:30 p.m.

Breakout Session A

12:30–1:45 p.m.

Lunch // Exhibit Hall // Gatherings
College Lunch

2:00–3:00 p.m.

Praying for the Harvest

3:15–4:15 p.m.

Breakout Session B

4:30–5:30 p.m.

Breakout Session C

5:45–7:45 p.m.

Dinner on Your Own

8:00–9:30 p.m.

Worship/Plenary Session #3 – Rev. Russ Whitfield

11:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Closes



9:00–10:00 a.m.

Breakout Session D

10:00–10:30 a.m.

Coffee Break

10:30–12:00 p.m.

Worship/Plenary Session #4 – Dr. Lloyd Kim

12:00 p.m.



Pre-registration closes October 15, and special hotel pricing ends October 9. Register now to save!

Onsite registration (November 1–3) will be $279, or $99 for students, space permitting.


(Through October 15)

Groups (6 or more)

(Through October 15)



Students (single day)


Walk-up (space permitting)



Poster (Self-print)

Powerpoint Slides and Bulletins

Images for Social Media (Square)


What are the basics?

When is the conference? 

November 1–3, 2024. The first worship/plenary session begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and the conference concludes shortly after noon on Sunday. See the full schedule here.

Where is the conference?

Hyatt Regency Atlanta, 265 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303. Discounted rates are available for the GMC at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta through October 9, or when our space fills.

How much does it cost to attend?

What is the registration fee? 

Individuals - $249 (through October 15)

Groups (6 or more) - $225 (through October 15)

Walk-up - $279, space permitting.

Student - $99 

Student (single day) - $49

What’s included in the registration fee?

The registration fee includes entrance to all general sessions, breakout sessions, exhibits, coffee and refreshments during certain breaks, and lunch on Saturday. Lodging and other meals are not included in the registration fee.

How much is the hotel?

Discounted rates are available for the GMC at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta through October 9, or when our space fills.

I can only come for a portion of the conference. How much will it cost to attend a portion?

There is a one-day rate available for full-time students at $49. For others, you are welcome to attend only certain portions of the conference, but the rates are the same.

I plan to assist in the exhibit hall. Do I need to pay anything?

Yes. Everyone assisting in the exhibit hall must be signed up as an exhibitor and all exhibitors must register for the conference itself. Contact [email protected] for more information about exhibitors and exhibitor rates.

Does it cost anything for my children to attend?

Teens may register as an attendee at the student rate (while available) or at regular rates thereafter. We do not recommend that young children attend. However, if you must bring them, there will be no charge for infants. If children aged 2 or older will be accompanying you, they should be registered at regular conference prices. For more information about children and teens, see the “Children/Teens” FAQ below.

Group Registration
How do I register my group?
  • Group discounts are automatically applied when you register six or more individuals at the same time.
  • If anyone is registering at the student rate or has an admin code, they must be registered separately. The group discount does not apply.
  • Make sure you know who is in your group and have all the information you need before you start. Check to see if anyone in your group is gluten-free, dairy-free, or vegetarian. Have unique email addresses for each person in your group.
  • Allow yourself sufficient time to register your whole group together.
  • Add each individual under “Your Information.” When the first registration is finished, click “add another registrant” to continue registering group members before checking out. After six registrations have been added, the group discount will be applied.
  • When you are done, scroll down to the Billing Information and continue with payment.

What if I have a group that includes students?

The group discount only applies to the early or regular individual rate. Students, to get the student discount, must be registered one at a time and cannot be added to a group registration.

Can I register a group at the discounted price without everyone’s names?

Please contact us at [email protected]..

Can I add someone to my group, or put someone who has already registered into my group to get a discount?

Groups must be registered together to receive the discount. Regrettably, previously made registrations cannot count toward the formation of a group or receive the group discount retroactively.

Do I have to register online?
Contact [email protected] or call 678-823-0004 x2415 if you need assistance.

How do I qualify for the student discount?

What is the student registration cost?

Full-time students qualify for a discounted rate of $99. Students are also eligible for a single day rate of $49.

Who qualifies as a student?

If being a student is your main vocation (you spend more time at school than at work), then you can use the student rate. If you’re not sure, we’ll leave it up to you.

Can I register a group of students?

Students (at the student discounted rate) must be registered one at a time.

Can students count toward our group registration?

A student registration will not count toward the minimum registrants required to qualify for the group discount.

What is your cancelation policy?

Through June 15, 2024, registration costs may be refunded, minus a $25 processing fee. After this date registration is not refundable, but transferable to another person. Group member cancelation policy is the same. 

How can I get more information about hosting an exhibit booth or sponsoring the conference?

Exhibitors for the GMC should register using this link.

Please contact [email protected] for exhibit booth and sponsorship information.

What do I need to know about lodging?

Where should I stay?

The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Rooms are available at the Hyatt Regency at a discounted conference rate through October 9 or when our space fills.

Where do I park?

Valet parking: The Hyatt Regency hotel has valet parking (based on availability) in an underground parking garage. Guests have in/out privileges. Overnight hotel guests (12 to 24 hours) = $50 with in and out privileges. Hourly valet parking rates vary.

Self-parking: There is no self-service parking available on the property. Guests may elect to self-park at off-property locations, such as:

  • 31 Baker St.
  • SunTrust Plaza
  • Central Parking
  • 227 Courtland

Alternatively, MARTA’s Peachtree Center Station is connected to the hotel through the Peachtree Center Mall.

Can I stay at other hotels?
Yes. Other hotels are close by. We do not have special arrangements at other hotels, however.

What do I need to know about travel?

What airport is closest?

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)

How do I get from the airport to the hotel?

You are responsible for arranging transportation from the airport to the hotel. Some options to consider include:

  • MARTA: Take the MARTA train from the airport station to the Peachtree Center station, which is connected to the hotel through the Peachtree Center Mall.
  • Taxi, Uber, or Lyft
  • Rental Car (see parking below)

When should I arrive?

Plan to be ready to take your seat for the opening session by 6:45 p.m. You will need to check in at the registration booth first, which will open at noon. You may also need to check into your hotel room and/or eat dinner first. Early arrivals may visit the Exhibit Hall starting at 3:00 p.m.

I'm driving. Where is the hotel located? 265 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30303

What about parking? 

Valet parking: The Hyatt Regency hotel has valet parking (based on availability) in an underground parking garage. Overnight hotel guests (12 to 24 hours) = $50 with in and out privileges. Hourly valet parking rates are currently: 0-1 Hours: $20; 1-2 Hours: $25; 2-3 Hours: $30; 3-5 Hours: $40; 5-7 Hours: $45; 7-24 Hours: $55

Self-parking: There is no self-service parking available on the property. Guests may elect to self-park at off-property locations, such as:

  • 31 Baker St.
  • SunTrust Plaza
  • Central Parking
  • 227 Courtland

Alternatively, MARTA’s Peachtree Center Station is connected to the hotel through the Peachtree Center Mall.

Can my children attend the conference?

Can I bring my children?
Teens may enjoy attending the conference. However, we do not recommend this event for young children.

Can I bring my youth group?
Youth groups are welcome to register and will attend the same conference sessions as adults. 

Are activities provided for children?
No, there are no special activities nor is any childcare provided. Teens who register will attend the same conference sessions as adults.

I understand, but I need to bring my children. Can they tag along with me for free?
You may bring an infant at no charge. Children aged 2 and older should be registered at regular rates if they are attending conference activities with you.

How can I promote the conference?

Thank you for helping spread the word! We have a few ideas but do what’s natural for you.

  • Talk to people. A genuine, personal invitation is usually the most effective way to generate interest. Make plans to attend and invite others to come with you.
  • Advertise! Feel free to use the promotional materials that are available under Promote/Spread the Word.
  • Use the website. Direct people to In addition to registration, this is where the most current and detailed conference information can always be found. 
  • Use social media. Share our posts! Follow MTW on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @mtwglobal. Tag us in your posts as well.
  • Use our one-minute promotional video, available to show, embed, or download.
  • Announce it! Include a short announcement in a worship guide, bulletin, or newsletter.
Contact Us
What if I need help or have further questions?

Please email [email protected] or call 678-823-0004 x2415.


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