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Evangelists and Mercy Ministry Workers

Chile Vina del Mar Longer Americas - South

MTW’s team in the Viña del Mar area has a double-pronged ministry in the heart of one of Chile’s most God-resistant areas. They collaborate with Chilean church planters. They also head up a mercy ministry team, reaching people with disabilities through the CEMIPRE Foundation. The vision is to encourage the establishment of a presbytery of the local denomination in the greater Valparaíso Bay area, and to partner with other Presbyterian and Reformed denominations and congregations for mutual strength and encouragement.  To do this, they need people both willing to work in ministry to those with disabilities and who will also be supportive in local Presbyterian churches.

If you're interested in helping the church reach people with disabilities with the gospel and work with the CEMIPRE Foundation, please consider joining us in the Valparaíso Bay area.

On the other hand, if you are a pastor or gifted in evangelism and feel called to spreading the gospel and planting churches in other parts of Latin America, consider helping us start a team in unreached parts of Chile or a nearby part of Argentina. We would love to talk to you.


Public Relations Liaison for Mercy Ministry
Campus Ministry
Public Relations Liaison for Mercy Ministry
Campus Ministry
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