Member Care Coordinator: Americas
Global Missionary Care Team
Americas - Caribbean
Americas - Central
Americas - North
Americas - South
We need a seasoned ministry worker with some experience in the challenges of international living to direct our member care efforts to across the Americas and Caribbean region. In addition to being involved in member care personally, the member care coordinator will also lead a team of geographically-dispersed fellow member care workers—leading, developing, and caring for them in the work of caring for fellow workers.
This person or couple should be humble, teachable, caring, and able to empathize without taking sides. You will preferably be based in one of our Latin America or English-speaking Caribbean locations and potentially the job can be combined with other field ministry responsibilities, depending on location and giftedness.
Would you like to learn more about helping missionaries to thrive in their calling? We'd love to talk with you!

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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