Our missionary care team is essential to our proclamation of the gospel around the world, providing vital spiritual and psychological care that helps missionaries flourish in their calling. From the time new missionaries join MTW, they are supported by a combination of both field-based and U.S.-based member care workers.
This team of member care workers offers regular retreats for spiritual refreshment, training in self and one-another care, and helps during life's many transitions. They also help with ongoing pastoral care, serving alongside volunteer pastoral associate couples in ministry to missionaries. And because missionaries struggle with the same life problems we all have, complicated by the added stress of being in a different culture and often in difficult living situations, professional counselors on the team help when there’s a crisis. The team's goal is for our missionaries to be fruitful and faithful.
Davidson, Charles & Bonita
The Davidsons serve out of Monterrey, Mexico, teaching and mentoring Mexican church planters.
The Davidsons serve out of Monterrey, Mexico, teaching and mentoring Mexican church planters.

McBride, Dan & Janet
Dan & Janet serve with West Africa Reformed Mission (WARM) to plant reformed African churches in the region.
Dan & Janet serve with West Africa Reformed Mission (WARM) to plant reformed African churches in the region.

Markwalter, Amy
As MTW’s member care children’s ministry specialist, Amy has the unique privilege of traveling stateside and internationally to care for missionaries through educational consulting and relational ministry.
As MTW’s member care children’s ministry specialist, Amy has the unique privilege of traveling stateside and...

Mills, Tim & Rhianna
The MTW team in Bangkok seeks the transformation of that great city, working with Thai leaders to plant city churches.
The MTW team in Bangkok seeks the transformation of that great city, working with Thai leaders to plant city churches.

Polk, Jason & Liz
Jason and Liz Polk serve with Ethiopia ACT, a team who is committed to bringing gospel reconciliation in all areas of life to people living in urban poverty. They serve the physical, spiritual and social needs of those living with HIV/AIDS, while also engaging in public health interventions.
Jason and Liz Polk serve with Ethiopia ACT, a team who is committed to bringing gospel reconciliation in all areas of...

Thomae, David & Jan
David and Jan bring their missionary experience to help with training and care for MTW's missionary family.
David and Jan bring their missionary experience to help with training and care for MTW's missionary family.

Wilkes, Larry & Mandy
The Wilkes desire to come alongside the British Church, helping to plant gospel-driven, Reformed churches.
The Wilkes desire to come alongside the British Church, helping to plant gospel-driven, Reformed churches.

Preparing Your Family and Marriage for Missions (Audio)
Your best tool for testifying to the gospel may be your marriage and family. MTW counselors share insight into preparing for the field.
SEE MOREHow to Get From Here to There (Audio)
Is God leading me to go into missions? What factors should I consider? Listen as MTW missionaries discuss their call and journey with MTW.
SEE MOREIs Your Canary Singing? Paying Attention to Emotional and Spiritual Health on the Mission Field
As coal miners kept an eye on a canary for signs of danger in the mine, missionaries should look out for warning signs in those around them.
SEE MOREPilgrim or Fugitive?
"To many, doing global missions means merely visiting. However, incarnational ministry is a journey to the heart."
SEE MOREThe 5 Types of Stress Every Missionary Faces
Missionary Chery Flores knew what stress on the field felt like, but at a recent retreat she learned she was not alone.
SEE MOREWhy We (Missionaries) Need Your Prayers
How amazing it was that the Lord had him praying for us at the moment when I was wishing that I could tell people to pray!
SEE MOREPray for our missionaries whose call is to care for our missionaries on the field all around the globe. Pray for them as they juggle many needs, travel frequently, and seek to care for field missionaries well.
Pray for missionaries as they face a wide variety of stressors related to living and serving cross-culturally on the mission field.
Support the work of MTW’s Global Member Care Network and help our missionaries thrive in their calling to bring the good news of Christ to the nations.
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