Give to Missionaries & National Partners
Thank you for loving and supporting MTW missionaries! We support 543 missionaries serving one year or longer, and 996 short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world who are committed to the establishment, growth, and maturity of the church. Can't find someone? Call us at 866-373-6133.
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After he is will soon be ordained in the PCA Clément will be sent to Africa to serve as a minister of the Word. He will also be involved in theological education.
The Teuton family is excited to serve in Sofia, Bulgaria, for two months in August and September 2024.
David and Jan bring their missionary experience to help with training and care for MTW's missionary family.
Jake and Courtney will be serving on a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand, helping to establish a network of gospel-centered churches in the city.
Derek and Nancy are called to serve in Taiwan with Christ College Taipei through theological education and women's ministry
Shohei is serving in Japan with theological education, preaching and church planting.
Josh and Ashley plan to work alongside the Free Church in Scotland, particularly through discipleship and evangelism.
James will serve in El Salvador working with youth, building relationships, and church planting.
Kirk and Barbara are a part of the team in Glasgow, working with the Free Church of Scotland to plant churches and strengthen pastors.
Angel & Wally's vision is to teach the hope of the gospel to the Japanese through profound relationship and the arts.
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