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Williams, Donnie & Kara
Acct # 18302
Donnie and Kara work alongside the West African Church in a predominantly Muslim context. Donnie assists in preparing men as future pastors and works with existing leaders on new initiatives. Kara helps the wives of pastors in discipling the women and children of the church. The solid relationships they continue to nurture provide the foundation for their ministry.
Donnie and Kara also help connect international churches with West African churches. Together they coordinate logistics and make arrangements for visiting partners and colleagues. They are ever learning from the culture around them how to show hospitality, where it exists in abundance due to God’s common grace.
All of this involves extensive travel, ongoing comprehension of several languages, and learning what it means to better follow Jesus by repenting and believing in a culture where syncretism, poverty, and persecution are very real.
Donnie, a member of the Highlands Presbytery, is originally from Pittsburgh, and Kara grew up in several West and East African countries. But when in the States they call Asheville, N.C., home.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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