Winenger, Matt & Kathryn

Serving in Spain | Acct # 400494


Roman Catholicism has had a long history in Madrid, Spain. For years, due to the close ties of church and state, religion has become synonymous with manipulation and oppression. The result being, very few regularly attend mass or have any religious ties. Less than 1% of the population are evangelical Christians. Challenges arise in church planting and evangelism as nominal catholicism and secularism rise. Many Spainards are resistant to the Protestant church and the gospel. The Winengers long to see the healing work of Jesus move through Spain as people experience the grace, love, and mercy of Jesus.

Matt and Kathryn will work with the Madrid team focusing on church planting. Matt has an M.A. in apologetics from Covenant Theological Seminary. He has served in youth ministry for 12 years as well as with men’s ministry. Kathryn graduated from the University of Arkansas. She has worked for a campus ministry sharing the gospel with college women and casting a vision of God’s call for discipleship. Kathryn has also worked as a nurse. The Winengers ask for prayer for the Spirit of the Lord to go before them and prepare the hearts of Spaniards to see the true hope and healing that comes through Jesus Christ.

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