Give to Missionaries & National Partners
Thank you for loving and supporting MTW missionaries! We support 543 missionaries serving one year or longer, and 996 short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world who are committed to the establishment, growth, and maturity of the church. Can't find someone? Call us at 866-373-6133.
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Working in France, Pete desires that future generations discover a living faith in the risen Christ.
Brian and Megan serve in the Freiburg-area in southwest Germany, focusing on church planting and evangelism.
Jorum and Evah return to their homeland of Zimbabwe to pursue God’s calling for the training and discipling of church leaders.
Elizabeth is excited to go back to Japan and lead the dual language program at the school where she interned.
Tom is the chief operating officer for the 18.26 Network for Europe and the Middle East. Catalina serves on the board and works in the area of member care focusing on prayer.
Andrew and Megan are members of the Community Arts Tokyo team, working to facilitate church-planting alongside local pastors and artists.
Victor is MTW international director for sub-Saharan Africa. He also supervises M.Th. and Ph.D. students at the South Africa Theological Seminary, teaches an annual course at Africa Reformed Theological Seminary in Uganda, and is the co-chair of the Lausanne Theology Working Group.
David and Susanna serve in Taiwan teaching and discipling college students, and training pastors.
Quentin and Karen are serving MTW’s Global Distance Education Team with PS78 Teachers.
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