Nezamutdinov, Sashko

Serving in Poland | Acct # P-0693


Sashko and Ania Nezamutdinov are based in Krakow, Poland, where Sashko is the lead pastor at Christ the Savior Presbyterian Church, one of the four Presbyterian churches in Poland that form the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Poland, a confessional denomination fully committed to living out in today’s context the rich theology, piety, and practice of the historic Christian faith recovered at the Protestant Reformation, and best summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Sashko was born in Lviv, Ukraine (a former Polish territory), and he met his wife, Ania, a native of Krakow, in 2013. They married in 2018. Together they are reaching out to young adults who are skeptical or disillusioned with the Church through university student ministry, art ministry, apologetics ministry, and through a Reformed publishing house (MW Books). Sashko's passion is making the gospel message relevant to different groups of people depending on where they are geographically, socially, culturally, or spiritually. This happens through different social projects, conversations over coffee, text messages, sermons, blog articles, and social media. Sashko loves reading, listening to jazz and bossa nova, and watching not-so-famous TV shows from different countries around the world. 

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