Norton, Clarke & Khrystya

Serving in Ukraine | Acct # 15457


Clarke (from Memphis) and Khrystya (from Lviv) serve on a church planting team in Lviv, Ukraine. Over the years, God has brought many to faith (including Khrystya herself!) and formed a community of believers in Lviv who are committed to Christ, His Word, and His mission. Another part of God’s good work has been blessing Clarke and Khrystya with three children.

In Lviv, they participate in the church plant work through home-based hospitality, welcoming others into their homes and into their lives. Clarke uses his pastoral and counseling gifts to help the local church. In addition, he is actively helping care for the war-traumatized through a psychological rehabilitation center.

Clarke finished his Master of Divinity as well as his Master of Arts in Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary.

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