The number of Muslims living in Europe, and the percentage of the total population, has been steady rising over the last few decades. In addition, conflict and instability in North Africa and the Middle East have displaced millions, causing hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women, and children to pour into Europe as refugees. Whether fully integrated citizens or new arrivals, these are image bearers of their Creator, in need of the saving grace of the gospel. Where some see a threat to western culture, we see opportunity. Many of these Muslims come from countries where it is difficult or illegal to preach the gospel or convert to Christianity, yet now they find themselves in places where Christ can be freely shared.

All across Europe, MTW teams are working to reach their Muslim neighbors with the gospel. Sometimes this looks like planting churches in culturally-diverse neighborhoods of major European cities. Other times it looks like meeting the physical and spiritual needs of refugees. In every case, it looks like pursuing relationships and seeking the advancement of the kingdom of God through the Church.

Engaging Muslims with the Gospel

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Europe Farsi Ministry Facilitator
Refugee Ministry in Southern Europe
English Teachers Needed: Global Muslim Ministries
Student Ministry Outreach Among Muslims
Art, Music, Media: Calling All Creatives!

There’s Purpose in My Suffering: Stories from Refugees

God is at work in the midst of this pandemic, drawing people to Himself. Let these stories be a reminder of the powerful God we serve.


Reaching Muslims With the Gospel (VIDEO)

We’re coming alongside believers in the Muslim world to plant churches where there are none and strengthen existing ones. Will you join us?


Entertaining (by) Angels

We visited Syrian refugees in their home to show them love through friendship. In turn they showed us love through their hospitality.


"My Heart Went Up"

For one Muslim woman, understanding God as Father is what made the truth of Christianity finally click.


When Christ Calls a Muslim: One Man’s Journey

Dara had everything a 30-year-old Muslim living in the Middle East could want. And yet he felt an emptiness to life he couldn’t explain.


Aram’s Exodus: One Refugee’s Story of Escape and Redemption

Aram made the horrific journey to Greece on an inflatable raft meant for 25 people. The God of peace met him there.


RUF Students Make Christ Known in Greece: A Video

RUF Students had the opportunity to share the love of Christ among refugees and serve alongside Greek believers in Athens.


A Berlin Refugee Story: Video

Watch as a refugee in Berlin tells the story of his journey to Germany and the home he's found at MTW's Gospel Haus.


MTW’s Refugee Ministry Expands, Spanning Four Continents

Missionaries across the globe are working increasingly with refugees. Our 2016 year-end appeal focuses on this critical opportunity.


Five Ways to Mobilize Your Church Members for Unreached People Groups

If you want your church to grow in passion for unreached people groups, immerse them in the Bible, and show them God’s grand story.


"Can We Say that Jesus Is God?"

As a young Muslim man studies the Bible for himself, he encounters the unmistakable divinity of Christ.


Meeting a Muslim Family

To our 2-year-old daughter, they were just another family in the park.


Tea Time with Refugees

God is opening wide the doors for us to serve refugees in Germany.


They All Have First Names

As refugees flood into European countries where we minister, we are learning how to love them as Christ does.


Why We Should Love Muslim Refugees

As I pondered the story of the enemy-loving missionaries killed in Ecuador, I couldn’t help but see an opportunity to examine my own heart.


Pray for refugee workers to have compassion and perseverance.

Pray for Muslims coming to faith in Christ across Europe. Pray that they would be discipled and find a church home. 

Pray for the refugees who have recently immigrated to Germany and are being drawn to Christ and becoming active in an MTW church.

Pray for refugees who have flooded into Greece and Germany and are encountering believers from MTW church plants. Pray that they would find community among believers and come to faith in Christ.

Pray specifically for the refugees in Berlin with whom our missionaries are building relationships. Pray that these refugees would come to faith if they do not know Christ.

Pray for MTW's ministry to refugees in Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Uganda, Panama, and the U.S.

Pray for churches to grow in passion for unreached people groups and to mobilze members to give and serve.

Pray for Muslims who are investigating the truths of Christ in the Bible to come to the conclusion that He is God.

Pray for the refugee families in Athens, Greece, who have connected with our team and church there; for relationships that lead to Christ.

Pray for Muslims to see the reality of Jesus and to surrender their lives to Him regardless of the cost.