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"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Rom. 12:12).

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27 Nov

DAY 27: There is a surge of refugees in Southeast Asia; pray for the team trying to assist and minister to them. 

26 Nov
Americas - Central Panama Panama City

Pray for Venezuelan refugees in Panama and for the diverse body of Christ at Iglesia Comunidad de Cristo.

26 Nov

DAY 26: Pray for the mission in the "wheatbelt" of Western Australia as the gospel is preached among Aboriginal and rural communities. 

25 Nov

DAY 25: Pray that growing networks of believers in the Middle East would thrive. 

24 Nov

DAY 24: Pray the church plants of the Uganda Presbytery would reach the lost in their communities with the gospel. 

23 Nov

DAY 23: Pray for a new family as they embark to start ministry in a new location—pray that their ministry and family would thrive in their Muslim-majority context.

22 Nov

DAY 22: El Salvador: Pray that young people would hunger for the truth of the gospel. 

21 Nov

DAY 21: Pray that the Lord would raise up new workers in locations all over the world, including Australia/New Zealand/Pacific Islands, Japan, Mexico, the Middle East, and Slovakia, to name a few. 

20 Nov

DAY 20: France: Give thanks for the 50 years of Jean Calvin Seminary and its impact; pray for guidance in addressing the current decline in residential students. 

19 Nov

Give thanks to God for all He did through the Global Missions Conference! Please pray that conference attendees would take their next step in missions, be it multiplying, going, leading, caring, or giving.  



How to pray for missionaries, MTW missionary directory, and 30 Days of Prayer calendar.


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