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"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Rom. 12:12).
Give thanks for how God is using missionary interns to further His kingdom. Pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of interns after they return home, and even draw them back to the mission field.
READ RELATED STORYPray that the global church, including the PCA in the U.S., would love their neighbors well and see the value of hospitality in leading others into truth.
READ RELATED STORYGive thanks for those God is drawing to Himself around the world, particularly a Japanese who feared she was too broken to be fixed, and several Ukrainian students who are exploring faith in Christ.
READ RELATED STORYPray that the agricultural training efforts of the Equipping Farming International ministry would make a way for pastors and churches in Africa and around the world to become self-supporting.
READ RELATED STORYPray that God would prepare hearts for the upcoming PCA Global Missions Conference November 1-3.
How to pray for missionaries, MTW missionary directory, and 30 Days of Prayer calendar.
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