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"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Rom. 12:12).

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29 Nov

DAY 29: Pray that those laboring for the sake of the gospel across the Arab world would find spiritual joy and rest.

28 Nov

Pray for single men and women who God is calling to serve in global missions. Pray that He would comfort their anxieties and prepare the way for them. 

28 Nov

DAY 28: Pray for the ongoing growth of Iglesia Presbyteriana Gracia Soberana in Tegucigalpa and formation of the national Presbyterian denomination in Honduras.

27 Nov

DAY 27: For the gospel of grace to outshine teaching on works and human efforts as the source of growth in Christ. Pray that it shine brightly across the Muslim world.

26 Nov

DAY 26: France: Pray for church planting efforts in both Paris and Toulouse. May these churches grow in number and exalt Jesus.

25 Nov

DAY 25: Pray for Muslims who are investigating the truths of Christ in the Bible to come to the conclusion that He is God.

24 Nov

DAY 24: Australasia: Pray for the vast region covering Australia, New Zealand, and many South Pacific Island nations, for gospel power and purity.

23 Nov

DAY 23: Ethiopia: Pray for Ethiopia ACT’s family advocates, who care for the physical and spiritual needs of families affected by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and other communicable diseases.

22 Nov

DAY 22: Europe and North America: Pray for new team leaders, refugee/immigrant ministry workers, ESL teachers, and more to reach out to Muslim people in Europe and North America.

21 Nov
Australia Sydney

Give thanks for Harbour City Church in Sydney, Australia, and pray that God would continue to use it to reach people who come to Sydney from all over Australasia.



How to pray for missionaries, MTW missionary directory, and 30 Days of Prayer calendar.


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