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New Team Forming in Nicaragua: All Gifts Needed

Nicaragua 1–11 Months Longer Americas - Central

Nicaragua is a beautiful country made up of a multi-ethnic, resilient, and passionate people. There is no official religion, although the Roman Catholic church has played a big role in the culture and religious practices. Evangelical and Protestant churches have been steadily growing in number and influence for awhile, however the gospel message of grace has not been a part of that influence. The country is overwhelmed with churches preaching works and prosperity.

There is currently one MTW missionary working in Nicaragua. MTW hopes to send additional missionaries and develop a team there, people who are characterized by Christlike compassion and committed to long-term ministry. We need individuals who are relationally gifted, collaborative, and desire to start and grow a strong foundation for a national Reformed Church.

Key to this new team is an ordained elder to serve as the team leader, who will focus on planting new churches, supporting church revitalization, and discipling local leadership. Other team members will be encouraged to creatively use their talents, gifts, and training in an overall effort to bring the gospel of grace to people in need of real and lasting hope.


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