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Church Planters

Belize Belize City 1–11 Months Longer Americas - Central

Belize is a culturally diverse Caribbean/Central American country, with many Mayan descendants, as well as people from Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. English is widely spoken, along with Spanish and Creole.


The Presbyterian Church of Belize was established in 1987 and has grown to 16 churches, plus several church plant opportunities. But there are only four Belizean pastors serving them. There is much to do!


We would like several new missionary families to come partner with us. Pastors are especially needed as we seek to plant new churches, support church revitalization, and disciple men and women to be church and community leaders.

Join us in building up the work in this over-evangelized, yet under-discipled country.


Medical Personnel Needed for Clinic in Belize
Church Planting and Community Outreach Coordinator
Indigenous Ministry Outreach
New Team Forming in Nicaragua: All Gifts Needed
Church Planting and Community Outreach Coordinator
Indigenous Ministry Outreach
Church Planting in Norway: All Gifts Needed
Join a Growing Team in Freiburg, Germany
Church Planting Apprenticeship: London
Church Planting Internship in Leeds
1–11 Months