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Thank you for loving and supporting MTW missionaries! We support 543 missionaries serving one year or longer, and 996 short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world who are committed to the establishment, growth, and maturity of the church. Can't find someone? Call us at 866-373-6133.
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Audrey will teach at CCCI in Chiba, Japan, a school supported by Mission to the World that seeks to create a space of affordable, Christian education for the children of missionaries serving in Japan as well as other students.
Luke and Sokha Smith work in the countryside of Cambodia with a focus on village church planting and student outreach.
Robert and Jeanne served full time in Latvia for 14 years, and now serve as eager volunteers helping with summer camps and discipleship groups in Latvia, mentoring new MTW missionaries, and helping recruit new laborers.
Tom and Mylicah plan to serve the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, North Carolina.
Joel & Katya serve in Poland planting churches, discipling new believers, leadership training, and providing theological training.
Will & Jessica will be serving in Japan in the Setagaya ward of Tokyo. They hope to share the gospel with their neighbors, encourage young families, and disciple college students.
Todd and Cindy Sproull are building relationships among the Lummi Nation and other Native tribes in the Pacific Northwest.
Luke & Michelle serve in pastoral training and ministry via Reformed seminary in Munich, Germany.
Dal and Beth return to Kyiv, Ukraine, to help with church planting and development and to explore how to expand efforts to help Ukrainian women and girls who are trafficked and sexually exploited.
Noah and Karleigh are excited to serve with the team in Bangkok, Thailand, where they will help with church planting.
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