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Economic Development: Business Training and Mentoring

Addis Ababa Blantyre Bulawayo Kampala Ethiopia Malawi Uganda Zimbabwe West Africa Longer Africa
Portraitor: Pixabay

The Church in Africa is growing rapidly! We expect that 750 million people will be added to the African Church in the next 30 years and will be the center of evangelical Christianity with over 40% of the world’s evangelicals in the next few decades. But the countries of Africa, while rich in natural and human resources, are some of the worst on the poverty index. It must also become economically viable for it to carry on as the new epicenter of Christianity. So church planting in Africa necessarily requires economic development to empower the churches.

Business development is particularly important. We need western Christian businesspeople to come alongside believers in Africa to mentor them and help them create kingdom-oriented businesses that will economically empower the massively growing Church here. Is your background in publishing, food and nutrition, architectural design and building, investments, IT services, or something else? If you have business experience, we can use your skills and knowledge to help Africans start and develop successful enterprises. 


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