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Thank you for loving and supporting MTW missionaries! We support 543 missionaries serving one year or longer, and 996 short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world who are committed to the establishment, growth, and maturity of the church. Can't find someone? Call us at 866-373-6133.
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Suzanne and Jacob work alongside and support a Bulgarian church planter in Ruse, Bulgaria.
The Wessels have served with Mission to The World since 1979, ministering in France.
Becky White serves with Mission to the World in Taipei Taiwan teaching English at Christ's College. This has given Becky opportunities both to educate from a Christian perspective and to build relationships for deeper ministry with students.
David began to develop a burden, then a vision for the care and encouragement of missionaries.
The Wilkes desire to come alongside the British Church, helping to plant gospel-driven, Reformed churches.
Bert and Nancy Williams work in Kampala, Uganda partnering with churches in Christian Community Development and Reconciliation Ministries.
Steve and Rita Williams serve on a church-planting lead team in Auckland, New Zealand. Together they have been active in the support and care of Christian leaders and their families.
The Willises will be working with Next, an MTW ministry of that seeks to reach the nations and the next generation by serving locally, equipping leaders, and ministering to mission families.
Tom and Teresa Wilson direct gospel, classical, and church choirs in Nagoya, Japan through Mission to the World.
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