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"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:19a)

Ready to serve longer in missions? If God is nudging you to devote more of your life to making disciples, He will guide you to the right place.

And we're here to help. We're committed to your personal & spiritual growth, placing you with the right team, coaching you along the way and giving you freedom to fly.

Are your gifts in discipleship, teaching? Mercy, music? Reach deeper into your calling by exploring over 20 ways to serve.


*For the safety of our workers, not all countries are listed. If you don’t see the country you’re looking for, use the region search to narrow your results.


See the whole process. Deadlines are approaching for new missionary training events. Please add them to your calendar.


Find out more about how we train-up our missionaries to go into the field.


Do you want to equip yourself for ministry? We have several resources and trainings available to you. These will raise your knowledge of missions, give you practical skills in evangelism, and aid you in cross-cultural ministry integration.


How do I become a missionary with MTW?

See the whole process from initial contact to deployment as a missionary.

Application process
How do I start the application process?

The first step is to fill out our interest form. A staff member will be in touch with you to discuss your interests and the best fit with what you're looking for.

Main qualifications
What are the main qualifications MTW looks for in missionary candidates?

For people seeking to serve with MTW as missionaries, MTW examines an applicant's spiritual life, relationship with their church, their personal relationship with Christ, their personal traits and characteristics, ministry experience, conviction that God is calling them into missionary service, knowledge of the Bible, and their understanding of the Reformed faith.

What kind of training will I receive?

The training a missionary receives depends on the length of time the missionary will serve.

Once approved, missionaries serving one year and longer will participate in Kingdom Foundations:

  • Orientation: A 5-day training event where missionaries will hear from MTW's leadership, consider the importance of the gospel and their identity in Christ, as well as learn about and practice kingdom prayer. They will also be introduced to the support raising process and connected to a cohort group.

  • Cohort journey: Cohorts will meet every other week for a 10-month journey of growth and development, encouragement, accountability and camaraderie, leading up to departure for the field. Between cohort meetings, missionaries will have topical assignments to complete

  • Pre-field training: a one-week, in-person event with your cohort, followed by contextualized training in your field of service. Topics are relevant to adjusting to life overseas.

How are MTW missionaries funded?

MTW missionaries develop a support team of individuals and churches who support their ministry though prayer and financial giving.

Missionary budgets vary widely based on field location and other factors. Careful thought has been given to how and why we structure our budgets the way we do, and foundational to this commitment is providing our missionaries with a benefits package (health, life, and disability insurance), along with funds for continued training and other items while on the field.

Support and care for missionaries
What support systems are in place for missionaries and their families?

A foundational value of MTW is to care for the whole person and family. Every missionary is assigned a resource representative in the office who is their go-to person for any questions they have regarding support raising, finances, policies, insurance, etc. This office representative is in contact with the missionary from the time of their approval until the missionary retires or returns to the States.

Additionally, MTW's Member Care and Development Department provides care for missionaries in the form of area retreats and by responding to any spiritual and emotional crises experienced by the missionaries on the field. MTW Next team seeks to provide care for missionary children around the globe, along with providing resources for parents as they raise their children overseas. We also have insurance protection and an internal response infrastructure in place to assist missionaries in times of medical or political crises.

Age requirements
How old do I have to be?

Applicants need to be 18 years of age or a high school graduate.

Language requirements
Do I need to speak a foreign language?

Language requirements depend on location. Language school is considered part of most on-the-field training.


7 Ways to Explore a Call to Missions

You feel that tug on your heart toward missions. Does that mean you should just go? Here are some helpful steps toward clarity.

The Natural Evolution of MTW’s Church Planting Philosophy

"The Church must be at the center of what we do. It’s integrally intertwined with our vision, our mission, and our theology."

God’s Perfect Timing for a London Church (VIDEO)

Todd and Liz Crusey hadn't planned on going to London, but when COVID hit, God redirected them at a time when they were critically needed.

Defying Gravity: 10 Churches in 10 Years in Tokyo

In the wake of the 2011 tsunami, amid historical barriers to Christianity, Grace City Church Tokyo planted 10 churches within a decade.