The Netherlands is one of the most secular societies in the Western world. Roughly 80% of the population never or seldom attends a religious service. A social effort to "pillarize" society (to separate groups by religion and associated political beliefs, allowing each to have their own institutions) has led to a drastic secularization of most of the country while a few pockets remain quite Christian. However, these churches tend to have strong rules about dress and behavior and have a hard time connecting to people outside of the church. Secular Dutch people and religious Dutch people are more separated than in other Western countries.
Our team is currently focused on theological education. Students come to the Netherlands from all over the world, particularly Asia and Africa, for seminary training. Through educating these global Christian leaders, we help to shape future pastors and missionaries by teaching them sound doctrine. And for our European students, the international environment is where they are learning to reach across cultural barriers to better engage their secular neighbors for Christ.