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Teach at New Horizon Christian School

Acapulco Mexico 1–11 Months Longer Americas - North

Use your gift for teaching and make an impact for the kingdom! There are opportunities for preschool, elementary and junior high teachers at New Horizon Christian School in Acapulco, Mexico. The school needs ESL teachers, but is also moving toward becoming a dual immersion school, and would welcome teachers who could teach various subjects in English for any grade. 

New Horizon’s vision is to nurture and train covenant children and to evangelize and reach non-Christian families in the community through their children. Teachers endeavor to help their students see the world through the lens of the Word of God. They work to provide the knowledge, discipline and skills necessary for students to fulfill God’s calling in all areas of their lives. Children are taught to see God’s hand in creation and in the gifts he has given them, to work creatively, and to be good stewards in the development of their intellects and in the care of God’s world.

We can use teachers throughout the year, but its best if you can stay for at least a full school year. Please get in touch right away if you’re interested. We’ll help you get connected and get there!


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