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Mitchell, Danny & Mary Pat
Serving in Global | Acct # 88100
From the start of their marriage in 1992, Danny and Mary Pat have been committed to equipping the local church to reach and raise the next generation. Danny is an ordained pastor, and has been involved in youth ministry for more than 20 years including over a decade in an urban, cross-cultural setting and several years as a consultant for youth and family ministry for the denomination where much of his efforts were spent on training adults who work with students. Mary Pat’s investment in the rising generations has included discipling high school and college age young women as well as mentoring mothers of young children. Both hold degrees from Covenant College while Danny has an additional degree from Covenant Seminary.
Danny and Mary Pat serve as adjunct members of the Next team, focusing on equipping, mobilizing, and sustaining global church leaders. They believe their passion for the next generation, experience in training youth workers, and time spent serving in a cross-cultural ministry enhance their ability to assist missionaries, indigenous churches, and national leaders in more effectively reaching the next generation in communities around the world.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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