Cosner, Cadyn

Serving in Japan | Acct # 400848

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Cadyn Cosner is a former MTW missionary kid from Belize. She is very excited to learn and grow under the Asia-Pacific Next team in summer 2024. As an intern she will participate in hands-on MK care in Nagoya, Japan. She will help the team plan both the Refresh retreat in June of 2024 and the Asia-Pacific Area Retreat in July of 2024.


As a former MK Cadyn has a huge heart for the love and care of missionary families and hopes to make an impact similar to the one made on her by the Next team while she was on the mission field. She will be involved in extensive training and hands-on experience living in Japan and serving missionaries, their families, and locals.


Cadyn is excited to apply what she’s learned at The Moody Bible Institute in youth ministry and intercultural studies to this internship. She hopes to work full time in Member Care after her final year studying at Moody. She and her new fiancé, Joshua Fried, are excited to see what God has in store this summer in addition to getting married just three weeks after the end of her internship. Please pray for her as she juggles following her missional/vocational calling to serve overseas while also planning her wedding and being a full-time student. To God be the glory! 

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