MTW Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Hub
Building Connections Close to You
MTW's Northeast/Mid-Atlantic hub (formerly Northeast Hub) is a connection point for regional events, training, and help if you're interested in serving one year or longer. If you are a new church starting a missions ministry or your church has an established global outreach, we can help you through planning, mobilizing, and connecting you with global PCA church-planting works.
Along with our name, our boundaries have changed. Looking for your regional hub? Click the orange "find your hub" button to the right.
Greg Hills

Originally from central New York, Greg’s passion for missions came in college through Intervarsity at North Carolina State University which culminated in his first missions trip to Kenya. Having received his degree in engineering, he moved to the Boston area where he worked for a military contractor and received training at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. During that time, he became convinced that the Lord was calling his family to Istanbul, Turkey. There he worked with local church leaders and taught Bible courses. The Lord eventually led them back to the Boston area where Greg spent 20 years in pastoral ministry at First Presbyterian Church Northshore. Now as Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Hub director, he hopes to focus his passion for global missions in mobilizing God’s people for the Great Commission.
Greg now lives in Newark, Delaware with his wife Heather and two daughters and has four grown sons.
Contact: [email protected]
Sarah Jones
Hub Administrator

Sarah grew up in Pennsylvania and Vermont, studied biblical studies and youth ministry at Gordon College, and spent a summer during college on a short-term mission teaching English in China. After graduating, she worked in the missions office at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, gaining first-hand experience with a strategic sending church. Upon moving back to the East Coast, she had the privilege of leading the Global Missions Team at First Presbyterian Church Northshore for eight years. Sarah lives on the North Shore of Boston and loves spending time outdoors with her husband Dave of 20 years and their four school-age children.
Contact: [email protected]
At MTW, we believe that sending more diverse missionaries better reflects the image of God and helps build more effective ministry as people of color bring their voices and gospel stories to those waiting to hear. If you would like more info about how the MTW Diversifi initiative and RADD (Reformed And Diverse Delegates) can help you in your mission, please contact one of our diversity mobilizers.
Sign Up for the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Hub Newsletter
If you'd like to get in touch with our hub to learn more about events, talk about serving with MTW, or would like help for your church, please contact us!
To speak with one of our Northeast/Mid-Atlantic representatives
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 978-572-0565
For questions about serving with MTW
Email: [email protected]
Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Social Media
1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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