The Bahamas is a place of both incredible beauty and great spiritual need. Though 40 percent of the population claims to be evangelical Christian, the majority embrace a faith more grounded in materialism than the hope of the gospel, and many younger Bahamians are increasingly alienated from and uninterested in the Church.

The MTW Bahamas team is dedicated to advancing the kingdom of God in the Bahamas through a biblical and robust church planting movement. To that end, they aim to cultivate word and deed ministries to serve the Bahamian people, including an indigenous leadership development program, theological and leadership training, and transformational mercy ministries. Short-term mission trips as well as medical missions and disaster response teams will also be part of the ministry there. Their prayer is that God would work in and through the team to spread the gospel of grace throughout the Bahamas and beyond. 


Hart, Tim & Beverly

The Harts join the MTW Bahamas team, serving in the nurture of the young church planted in Nassau, in discipleship and leadership training, in mercy ministry, and in administrative support.

The Harts join the MTW Bahamas team, serving in the nurture of the young church planted in Nassau, in discipleship...

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Pastoral Intern

Hurricane Dorian Devastates Bahamas

MTW is responding to the devastation and psychological trauma. Check back regularly as we post updates to the evolving situation.


Disaster Response in the Caribbean: Current Updates

Here's the latest on Hurricanes Irma and Maria and MTW's response. Check back for periodic updates.


Hurricane Matthew: Caribbean Response Update

Here's an update on the plans we have moving forward in the wake of Hurricane Matthew.


Bahamas Break

"You're going the wrong way!” was yelled at our mission trip team while walking through Nassau en route to our service site.


Please pray for those impacted by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas!

Pray for our partners in the Caribbean who were hit hard by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Pray for our rebuilding efforts in Haiti and the Bahamas that is a response to Hurricane Matthew. That God will muliply the funds and strengthen the church.

Pray for short-term trips ministering in Nassau as participants seek to help grow the local church.