Pastor Julian Bacon (left), Daniel & Katy B. (leading worship) in Brussels

Your Missionary Still Needs You


Spread the love this year with an extra gift.


You are part of a family of believers that has been supporting missionaries since they used a slide projector to tell their stories.

Missionaries don’t need a slide projector anymore, but they still need you.

Romans 10:13–15 says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ’How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’”

You are the feet of those who preach good news! Without you, those who God calls cannot go and those who need the gospel cannot hear. 

Don't Currently Support a Missionary ...?

... Then you can give to the project below—#98101. This project is intended to provide support for our missionaries for a variety of circumstances. Any gift given between November 27December 31, 2023 will be used to support the training of new missionaries to MTW in 2024.

Where Needed Most
Project # 98101
Kim Church Teaching Sunday School

Every gospel transformation story your missionary shares begins with you. Will you continue to make these stories possible by giving even more?

What Will You Accomplish With An Extra Gift?


Remind your missionary they aren’t alone

<< Missionary Dan Iverson Baptizes the daughter of local pastor

Ease any financial stress

>> Missionary Keith Powlison

Show them your love and support this holiday season

<< Missionaries The Jones Family

Ensure they can keep leading broken people to Jesus

>> Missionaries James and Shine Lee, Phillipines
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Missionary Daniel B. Discipling an Intern

Our mission is to make disciples among all nations. God has allowed us to make progress in this mission because self-sacrificing people like you have lavished MTW with their kindness. We thank you for your generosity and sacrifice.

But our ability to continue this mission depends on you! This is why your gifts are so important.

Can we rely on your continued support? During this season of giving, will you give an extra gift to your missionary?

And if you are not currently part of a missionary support team, would you consider giving to MTW Project #98101 to launch new missionaries in 2024? Your gifts will help balance their preparation costs.


Where Needed Most
Project # 98101

Thank you for loving on MTW missionaries. Thank you for making it possible for them to love others by telling them about the hope of Christ.