Send the Next Generation
Project # P-0240


Jesus told us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Today, the Church in North America is facing serious challenges in its global missions efforts.

Why? In many missionary organizations, including MTW, an older generation of missionary leaders is approaching retirement. Yet fewer and fewer younger believers are becoming missionaries.  

At the same time, fewer churches and individual believers are committed to raising up, supporting, and sending workers to the harvest field.

Barna stats

To faithfully answer the call of the Great Commission, the North American church must send the next generation.

With your prayers and support, MTW can come alongside the church to help do this.

Yet some ask, “Is there still a need for missions today?”

Dan Iverson, longtime MTW missionary and country director for Japan says,

“If we had the money, the missionaries, and the leaders, we could place 100 missionaries in Japan right now. We could place 200, because Japan is so lost!”


This is true not only in Japan, but in many countries across the globe.

Our work is far from finished.

Dan talks about a church in Virginia—a good, gospel-driven church—that had 200 pastors apply to take one open pastoral position.

Meanwhile, there are more than 200 cities and towns in Japan without a church of any kind, and only a few applications have crossed his desk.

What’s wrong with this picture?

“The questions each Christian should be asking are, ‘Where can I go to do the most damage to Satan’s kingdom, to most advance the cause of Christ, and where other people can’t or won’t go?’” said Dan.

“We need church planters,” he added. “We need leaders. We need the Church to send their best.

We’ve got to raise up a generation with a radical response to the gospel that says, ‘We’re willing to go anywhere. We’re willing to do hard things for the kingdom.’”

Of course, some Millennials and Gen-Zers are rising to the call to missions.

Melanie Johnson

Melanie Johnson

Melanie Johnson first came to Japan in 2011 as an 18-year-old intern. When a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck, her parents and friends were afraid for her safety and asked if she would come home.

Melanie refused. At 18 years old, she knew she was called to Japan for just such a time. So she stayed. She travelled to the hardest hit areas in the north, and she helped.

In the years to come, Melanie would return to the MTW team in Japan over and over again: first as a one-year intern, then for three years as a short-term missionary. She learned the language and built solid friendships with Japanese people. In September 2019, Melanie was approved as a long-term MTW career missionary.

There are so many young Christians out there just like Melanie. This generation is truly remarkable. They’re brave, creative, and determined to make an impact.

Mark & Megumi Bocanegra

Mark & Megumi Bocanegra

We also think of Pastor Mark Bocanegra and his wife, Megumi. As a Stanford graduate, Mark could have pursued a number of very lucrative career opportunities. Instead, he and Megumi have given their lives to serving Jesus in Japan. They’re smart, godly, disciplined, and passionate. Mark will be leading a new church-planting team in Tokyo, and he’s just 30 years old.

Younger Christians like Melanie, Mark, and Megumi are ready to answer the call to join Jesus in His harvest field.

They are talented, tough, godly, and full of fire for the gospel, but they need support, discipleship, and communities of faith to encourage and support them along the way.

MTW is committed to coming alongside North American churches to raise up the next generation of global missionaries. We’re working to recruit, train, and disciple young men and women. Because of your support, we’re helping them discern their gifts, discover their call, and take the reins of leadership.

Will you give again to support MTW’s efforts to send the next generation?

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Send the Next Generation
Project # P-0240