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El Salvador Vision Trips | 2024

El Salvador San Salvador Vision Trips Americas - Central
Photo by Mauricio Cuéllar: Unsplash

Join us for a vision trip to El Salvador in 2024.

Rodney and Jana Davila, veteran MTW missionaries, are beginning a new work in El Salvador. The Davilas desire to impact the culture of El Salvador by identifying and training leaders with a vision to start churches in their communities. The gospel can transform lives and bring hope to El Salvador!

Rodney and Jana share, "The purpose of this vision trip is to see and experience firsthand the country and culture of El Salvador, meet our team, hear our vision, and consider how you may be involved (personally or as a church), and pray with us."

Trip dates:

  • May 23–26, 2024

  • October 17–20, 2024

Costs and logistics:

  • $385. This includes meals from Thursday night through Sunday breakfast, lodging, transportation, tourist visa, travel insurance, and a required background check for all participants. Airfare to San Salvador (SAL) is additional. 

  • Lodging and transportation: Participants will stay in a guesthouse that has rooms with bunk beds and shared bathrooms. Air-conditioned vans will be used for transportation.

Email [email protected] for more information. Click "Get Started" above to sign up. Print this page to create a brochure to share with your church.


Central Asia Vision Trip | October 4-13
Vision Trips