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Ministry Partner Development 2-Day Workshop



February 11-12, 2025

Cost: $150 (reimbursable for MTW missionaries)

Develop a ministry mindset for support raising and learn best practices to become fully funded for life-long ministry.

During this 2-Day workshop you will:

  • Focus on Ministry Partner Development (aka “support raising”) as ministry.
  • Develop and review the Biblical basis for Ministry Partner Development (MPD).
  • Learn practical strategies and best practices for building a partnership team.
  • Develop your own strategy to most effectively use your time and energy.
  • Practice communicating your vision and ministry to others.
  • Learn strategies for long-term partner ministry and how to care for your partners.

This workshop is an MTW training event and is open to anyone in Christian ministry that is seeking to raise personal support related to their vocational ministry.

Who: For those raising support for the first time as well as for veteran ministry workers who want to hone and refresh their MPD skills.

When: February 11-12, 2025

  • Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

 Where: Mission to the World (MTW), 1600 N. Brown Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30043

 Cost: $150 (for MTW missionaries this is a reimbursable expense)

  • Cost includes lunch, coffee and light snacks on both days.
  • Cost includes printed materials for the workshop.
  • Does NOT include hotel and travel arrangements. There are several hotels within walking distance of MTW. See other info below for more details.
  • Does NOT include purchasing The God Ask book which is needed to complete the pre-work for the 2-Day Workshop. 

Other key info:

  • The Workshop will include ~12 hours of pre-work (including some Bible studies and reading The God Ask) to help prepare you for the event.
  • The Workshop will be led and facilitated by MTW’s Ministry Partner Development training team.
  • We require a minimum of 12 participants. Please do not make travel arrangements until we give you the go ahead to make plans.
  • There are several hotels within walking distance of MTW. We have a discount rate agreement with the Hampton Inn ($119 per night) for those that book 30 days prior to the event. Contact the Hampton Inn directly (need info).
  • This is an adult only event. We do not offer childcare. 

If you have questions about the workshop, email Bradley Cordell.



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