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La Belle, Schylie
Serving in New Zealand | Acct # 400817
Schylie is the second oldest of seven children and a pastor’s daughter. She was born in Washington state but grew up largely in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where she lives with her parents and two younger siblings. She has been involved in missions for over 10 years, having gone on six mission trips ranging from one week to one year in length. She is passionate about working with children whether as an elementary teacher, VBS director, tutor, nanny, or friend. In her free time, she enjoys making homemade soap and candles, reading, and spending time with family.
Schylie will be serving in New Zealand. She will be assisting local missionaries with children’s ministries such as youth groups, day programs, and evangelistic outreach.
1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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