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Koh, Rachel
Serving in Japan | Acct # 400490
Support needs are met. Praise God!
With only roughly 0.5% of its 126 million population professing to be Evangelical Christian, Japan is home to the second largest unreached people group in the world. Though Japan may be advanced in its technology and economic standing, rates of mental illness and suicide reflect that a world in which the gospel is absent is lost and, ultimately, hopeless. Paul made it his ambition to preach the gospel not where Christ had already been named (Romans 15:20), and Rachel’s prayer is that you would join her in this Great Commission work with joy, that the nations may be glad in Him!
Please pray for Rachel, and consider supporting her financially, as she heads to Chiba, Japan. The four years of university in a young Japanese person’s life is a critical time period. This time is essentially the only break one has between the previous years of rigorous schooling and the lifetime of corporate work ahead. Rachel will be serving in Chiba for two years as a campus and college ministry intern with Chiba University and a local church plant.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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